Where is this? {Pic Quiz: World}


I can give you a help. Do you prefer a hint about the place or about the person?

Cora Coralina?

Not a writer. But you are in the right track, it’s one of her compatriots.

Santos Dumont

ah replied to wrong post @RickRoll

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Well done! :earth_americas:

What gave it away?

O país

Conheces bem o Brasil, @geajvop!

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I don’t like looking for people in this thread. Should be about places.

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Describe the geographic peculiarity experience by a walker traveling on the left hand side of this street five times in less than 100 meters. (and not experienced at all by the walker on the right hand side of the street)


Cool fact about those stairs

Santos Dumont was very superstitious and wanted everyone to do into his house with the right foot.
Hence, these stairs forced people to follow this rule …


one side is in the UK, the other Ireland>?

You are on the right track but different countries and its more complex than what you described (remember it happens five times)

Some places are about both. But I get your point.
I’ll try to get a more focused one next time, ok?


Switching between Belgium and NL, border goes through town, houses have small flags on them so you know where you are

Actually, some – but quite clearly not all – of the town isn’t Dutch at all, but rather the Belgian municipality of Baarle-Hertog, population 2300. How can you tell which part of the town is in the Netherlands and which is in Belgium? It’s complicated.

Remarkably, the Belgian town consists of 24 non-contiguous parcels of land. Twenty-one of them are surrounded by the Netherlands. while three are on the border between the two countries and thus share a jurisdictional boundary with the rest of Belgium, if also with the Netherlands and if not with each other.

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Photo is seen from Baarle-Hertog. Baarle-Nassau is like two steps forward from that: :smile:

The thing I asked for is what happens as you walk and you described that precisely enough.


Town has a couple of enclaves that are contained within enclaves. Super cool!

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Why no hometown mention?

Saw it on the news the other day, otherwise no way I would have known it.

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Oops, a slip up. And its my hometown too folks!

I want to suggest a new rule. Let me know what you think.

  • Ask for the location shown in the image. You can give bonus points for anything else (who lived there, what is special about this place etc.)

If we start asking for random things related to a place we soon end up with questions like “what type of dog likes to pee on this park tree”