Where is this? {Pic Quiz: World}

I imagine Mr Milker watching us struggle and having a good laugh

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I guess this is the “Klarus Park”…

From its windows, there is a view of the Botanical Forestry and the Novosibirsk Zoo, the Zaeltsovsky Forest stretches next to it, a five-minute walk away is the cozy Timiryazevsky Square.

Was looking for that one. :parasol_on_ground: for you

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I have no pictures now…

How about we learn some distances to places with @hannes?
Or would you prefer -stan heroes statues with @tando?
Or perhaps undescribable pictures with @Dr_Milker?

Whoever jumps in first can post it :howyoudoin:

The name of the specific place this statue is located.


someone is waiting for a blurry statue.


Vienna is not in -stan.

I think someone was waiting for a chance to post one

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So, is it in Uzbekistan, as you promised?

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So many -stan pics…

@tando did you take a silk road trip of sorts?


In that case, Abu Rayhan Beruni moment in Beruniy district

it was quick! :parasol_on_ground:

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I did ask you to post one from there… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But I still have no pics to post. Someone else can go ahead.

And I’ll refrain from guessing until I have something, as it feels unfair to keep guessing and not contributing…

all those images are found by googling.


Name of the street where this was taken from

could be anywhere north of Frankfurt… I need hints…

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Right continent. Right geographical orientation.

Less than 1000km from Frankfurt

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