Where is this? {Pic Quiz: World}

Haha, great name :smile:

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Let me guess, was it your hometown too?

Of course! Actually the hometown of my grandfather.

Interesting. And it’s on the Dingle-berry Peninsula, no less. I’d already figured it was somewhere in southern Ireland.

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In the morning?

Seems that “El try de la cosa” is more like “El rey de la cosa toda”

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At the “right” time

More accurate would probably be, “when their owners take them there.” :sunglasses:

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He was an Irishman who swapped Identities with an Italian spy. The Italian spy wanted to stay and my grandfather wanted to be deported, so it was for the best.

Resposta correta, agora me diga o nome da praia para entender o assunto

Oh yeah, I remember that story in a different thread…

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First you changed the photo, now you want to change the inquire too?

Ok ok, jesus :earth_africa:

Beach is lushkentyre western Isles, stunning views

Think I am better at guessing other peoples photos than posting my own…


No, not fair.
Cancel that and post a new one

Apologies all round.

Ill let a more adept picture quiz poster take over for the next one.

Yeah, this was kind of a mess… So what’s the dog connection?

That was just a reference to @Hannes whining about the non conventional picture questions. Although to be honest I think I just proved his point.

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Places where famous people have lived doesn’t seem unreasonable to me. That’s why I followed your example on the theme.


I can see both sides of the issue.
I think best solution is someone wants to go in this way is to ask for the place AND the person.

When I posted the one about Santos Dumont, I got the right answer, but none got to know the place at the end, as @hannes pointed out.
So I had to post it myself, since the spirit of the thread is to find places, not people.