Where is this? What is this? Who is this? etc. (Pic Quiz: World)

I’ll give you another chance to write it in the correct spelling :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Or maybe not too easy. :sunglasses:

That’s because you weren’t playing! :rofl:

Are you saying other players have sub-par skills? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No. Just that it wouldn’t surprise me if you got the correct name by mistake :joy:
Of course, if @yyy was playing we would see emoticons all around :banana: :banana:

Thank god for small mercies. :sunglasses:

Is it in Lieding, Austria?

@hannes already got it, although the spelling wasn’t correct :smirk:

That’s putting it mildly…

And there should be an exclamation point at the end

Wow, wait, what? I just trolled that one randomly, cause I was too lazy to look…

Can’t write it without the fig leaf *, though. Just can’t do that.

fixed it for hannes


:steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive: __ __ :man_firefighter:DR_MILKER (:1st_place_medal: :1st_place_medal: :two::two::nine:)
:soccer: :soccer: :soccer: :soccer: :soccer: :soccer: :soccer: __ __ __ RICKROLL (:3rd_place_medal: :seven::one:)
:soccer: :soccer: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ SHIADOA (:six::one:)
:tv: :tv: :tv: :tv: __ __ __ __ __ __ :fire: GEAJVOP (:2nd_place_medal: :nine::three:)
:camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :de: HANNES (:2nd_place_medal: :seven::one:)
:camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: __ __ __ BOJACK (:seven:)
:camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: __ __ __ __ CHARLIE_JACK (:two::six:)
:camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: __ __ __ __ THE BEAR (:one::four:)
:camera: :camera: :camera: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ROOFTOPCLOWN (:three:)
:camera: :camera: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ MICK (:three:)
:camera: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ DASAINT (:one:)
:camera: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ HANSIOUX (:two::nine:)

Players of previous rounds who have yet to make a correct guess
INCUBUS (:3rd_place_medal: :three::four:) TANDO (:five::five:) TEMPOGAIN (:three::four:) MA3XIU1 (:one::nine:)
CHARLIE PHILIPS (:one::four:) FEI-FAN (:one::four:)
WINDY TOWN (:one::three:) FUMAROLE (:one::one:) WAI (:six: ) TANGO42 (:three:)
ZEPTO (:three:) GAIN (:two:) GRUEN (:two:) HEYHO (:two:) LIAM_OG (:two:) SHAOLEFEN (:two:) BRIANJONES (:one:) GABOMAN (:one:) OWNLEYES (:one:)

Actually, I’m pretty sure that church isn’t in Fucking. I know the name, but I can’t say it.

Since I skipped posting last time, here’s my turn. Where is this place?

That’s where we will be going this weekend…

The former Shangri-La Theme Park in Miaoli…

Hahaha ok, that was fairly easy then. I thought, having shown it in a different perspective would make it more difficult to identify.

BTW. we usually don’t post images of Taiwan in this thread, but technically should be OK, Taiwan is part of the World, right.

I won’t claim any point for that one.

But here is my next three pic riddle:

Name the place, pics not in order


Aren’t we still on the last one? That fucking church isn’t in F*cking!

He said it was. I take his word for it.