Where to buy anti-diarrhea vaccine in Taiwan?

Hi, I’ll be travelling around Japan and Taiwan for a couple of months before heading towards south-east Asia, what is the equivalent of Dukoral If there are any and where would I be able to get it?

I speak Mandarin so finding it won’t be a problem if I know what to ask for and where.


I recently went to the Mackay Memorial Hospital, which has a travel health speciality in its family medicine clinic. One of the things we talked about in the consult was Dukoral. The doctor agreed it was a great vaccine and fit-for purpose for my trip, but noted that it basically doesn’t exist on the island. Hopefully someone else has another secret source - I’m about out of ideas :slight_smile: My local GP forlornly suggested contacting the CDC.

Thanks for the reply, yeah I figured they might not have something like that as Dukoral is a pretty western idea. I assume people born on the island are quite climiatized to South-east Asia diets.

It’s too bad I can’t just buy it in Canada and carry it with me for 2 months XD