Where to buy Professional Quality Puppets..?

Hi team, did a search but couldnt find any information…

Im a mad puppet fan and love puppetry and in particular the value of using puppets to teach children and reach out to disabled kids too. Had some great success using a puppet to communicate with an autistic teenager that I used to care for…

Anyway… Thought I would ask here in case any of you have seen a puppet store somewhere in Taiwan? I am looking for large, soft puppets (think Crank Yankers or Muppets style). The simple hand puppets can be found everywhere, but I would love to find some big really professional looking ones to add to my ‘family’ :slight_smile:

Most toy stores have puppets but they always seem to be the same style or type - small, child sized ones that are good, but not exactly what I am looking for…

I know its a long shot, but thought I would put it out there and see if anyone shares the same hobby or has seen big puppets for sale :slight_smile: Cheers!