Where to look for budget short term rental in Taiwan?

Hi there :slight_smile:

I’m planning a first trip to Taiwan and I would like to know if there are companies in Taiwan that specialize in private short term rentals.
I use a lot Leopalace21 (en.leopalace21.com/) when I am in Japan and I was wondering if there was the same kind of service in Taiwan.
I’ve found a place called Mipple House (mipple.com/) in Taipei but I’m looking for more options since they don’t have so many apartments available.

Basically, I need to rent a fully furnished flat/studio during 3 months. An internet connexion is required too.
Ideal budget would be 25 000 TWD/month (water/electricity/internet all included).

I can read/speak only English, Japanese and French so I’m sorry to say that websites that are exclusively in Chinese won’t help a lot :slight_smile:

Any help will be highly appreciated :slight_smile:

Wow … it looks like it’s going to be very difficult to find accommodation in Taiwan :frowning:
Is the housing market for vacation rentals that bad in Taiwan?

Where in Taiwan do you plan to stay? It sort of affects your question since most companies are small local outfits. I found a few (sorry, haven’t saved them) when I was looking last summer. Dear old Google worked pretty well for me. Some advertise on tripadvisor.com as well.

Hello Eddie :slight_smile:

I’m looking for companies that provide fully furnished apartments in Taipei and other big cities in Taiwan.
So far, I couldn’t find anything in Google (I search in english with words like “short term rental taipei” etc).
I prefer comapnies that, like Mipple House, show many pictures of their flats/studios and that can be highly trustable because I want to secure my reservation before I arrive in Taiwan.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

Just what Taiwan needs, more Frenchies schleppin’ round.

If you must come, I can vouch for 2 agencies:

Jenny Chao. She caters to your exact situation and in your price range. She’s great.

Opohills: Also catering to English speakers. Trustworthy. Very nice places.

Also note that it is normal for agents to request Paypal or other cash services for down payments or security deposits from afar.

When you get to Taiwan you’re in luck. The girls here love that lame Pepe Le Pew lover-boy shite you all disgorge. Good luck in your travels.


Thanks for the two nice links you provided :slight_smile:
Not sure how I should take your comments about the french though ahaha

Interestingly, I’ve been luckier with Google searches in Japanese.
I’ve found this for example : daiken.com.tw/

I think that the term I used in English is “Vacation rentals”.

[quote=“majimekun”]Wow … it looks like it’s going to be very difficult to find accommodation in Taiwan :frowning:
Is the housing market for vacation rentals that bad in Taiwan?[/quote]

There are agents posting short term rentals on Craigslist.

Hmmm that doesn’t look too professional to me.
I prefer agents/companies that show their properties/services right on their own website (and not a crappy one ahaha).
The links provided by achdizzy are the kind of stuff I’m looking for.
More of this would be great :slight_smile:

[quote=“majimekun”]Hmmm that doesn’t look too professional to me.
I prefer agents/companies that show their properties/services right on their own website (and not a crappy one ahaha).
The links provided by achdizzy are the kind of stuff I’m looking for.
More of this would be great :slight_smile:[/quote]

Some of the ones posted on Craigslist are from agents!

I know they are!
I think you misread my comment :slight_smile: