It’s not my iPod. I know where a few Apple Stores are.
Does anyone have a recommended place to get a broken one fixed, or an idea about the best next step for getting this thing fixed (or find out if it’s not-fixable)?
It’s an iPod nano. It broke after someone was running with it and perhaps sweat leaked in.
I was told the the screen said “Take me in to get my ass fixed,” on it or something, then it never worked again.
no, pull it apart to see how it works. and keep the battery, since its usually the first thing to naturally fail. If you don’t want it, I’ll take the battery. Is it the first nano or the 2nd?
Go to any place that sells Apple stuff and ask. They all send stuff to the same service center, I believe.
If it’s the first generation nano (white or black, with the extremely easy to scratch metal back), it’s probably worth your while to just junk it and buy a new one. If it’s the second generation nano, it should still be under warrranty and you should be able to get it fixed.
You can find the USB2 chargers in just about any store. You might be SOL if you need the Firewire charger. I’ve got one sitting in my desk drawer, though.
You can find the USB2 chargers in just about any store. You might be SOL if you need the Firewire charger. I’ve got one sitting in my desk drawer, though.[/quote]
That’s exactly the problem. It’s a firewire I/O. I’ve been SOL in this dept for awhile, cuz that Ipod’s been sitting in my desk drawer for some years now.
maybe someday, I can grab your (extra?) charger from you!
I have the 80GB ipod video, and it’s screen is a mess. It still works when plugged into the computer, but the screen just stays white,connected to computer or not, with these weird lines running down on the right side. The ipod is still under warranty. Do I take it back to the store I bought it at, or do I need to find an Apple store? Where are the Apple stores? I googled locations, but couldn’t find any information.