I believe this was his last post, more than a week ago:
I would come back with something pithy but I have to go change my diapers.[/quote]
Don’t forget to give them a really thorough squeeze. You don’t want to waste a drop. The night is but young.[/quote]
It is very strange. I didn’t think much of it before, but he said he was just popping out to buy a newspaper, but then he asked if I could look after his dog …
Best thing I can say about his online-ness was that he was like playing catch with a brick wall-always willing to give something back. I don’t care if you are a 1st year English student looking for Hello Kitty Underwear in the Cars and Motorcycles section-the Sandman would respond.
He was always willing to drink beer if i bought it for him.
He was one of the few people I’ve ever met-or will probably ever met-who made the penny whistle sexy.
He knew a lot about ridng and racing motorcycles but was too cheap to buy one. He also knew a lot about different bikes but
had terrible taste in them. (Triumph echhh. The Ikea of motorcycles with a signature oil puddle underneath)
whatever you do, don’t suspend sandman for responding to anything i’ve said. i’ll take the rap. i’ve been to suspension before and it’s not bad. i did have a cellmate who was a overly friendly but i slept with my butt to the wall and nothing happened.
Sandman has been suspended since his last post for his cumulative online sins (they are legion). The suspension will remain in effect until his next post.