Which episodes of orig Star Trek (S01-S03) would you show to your TWN spouse?

Ain’t that the truth. Discovery seems like more Simone de Beauvoir preaching than Star Trek. So much virtue signaling, I want to barf.

I prefer Enterprise with Scott Bakula and Strange New Worlds too. More macho and just better Star Trek.

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s2e14, Wolf in the Fold, is fun around Halloween time because it has a Jack the Ripper subplot. Also, Spock manages to crap out the Enterprise’s computer banks by requiring the ship’s computer to report the last digit of pi (buffering now … still buffering etc) as the alien lifeform is forced to dispossess all crew members since McCoy knocked 'em all out with a soporific. It’s a move by Spock that in 1969 sounded so genius (to me) but that kinda hasn’t aged so well in 2023. Entertaining nonetheless.

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The guy that played Charlie in that episode also appeared in the counter-culture movie “Easy Rider”, as one of the farmers on the commune. First time I saw Easy Rider I thought, “where have I seen that face before…”


I would skip straight to TNG, which are also on Netflix in 4K.

TOS is just too old and cheesy unless you’re already a Star Trek fan.

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I was going to rely on answers to this thread to pick episodes for Dragonbabe to watch, just to close the gap in our experiences a bit… but after spending part of the day shaking, coughing, vomiting and with chills, now that it has settled down I am really enjoying watching the recommended episodes…so it’s great to have ‘best of’ suggestions. Just watched Balance of Terror;really good. Thank you!

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like what?

What were they called? Mudd’s Women for sure. And I, Mudd

Just watched them. Pure gold!

Worst episodes? Spock’s brain

So bad, it’s good.

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Ha! Never occurred to me to ask the worst ones. Y’all are doing me a big favor by steering me toward what to watch each day just by myself, which is a welcome distraction from my situation. Thanks!

There are some really cheesy ones, particularly in the third season when budgets were tighter and less away missions

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If you enjoyed BoT and The Doomsday Machine, I’d suggest The Enterprise Incident, The Tholian Web, & All Our Yesterdays (all season 3).

Also since it’s Halloween, Catspaw (season 2). It’s very silly and camp but it has some good moments, like Kirk about to call McCoy “Bones”, sees a skeleton and calls him “McCoy” instead.

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posted by error

I enjoyed the Squire of Gothos and Jason X but the deus ex machina endings do weaken them


OK, a couple of others:

The Galileo Seven: Stranded on a planet and in command of a small team, Spock struggles to gain the respect of his team.

What Are Little Girls Made Of: Not sure if you are in the mood for this, but if you can get into the story, it raises some issues about the will to survive and to what lengths one might go in desperate situations.

Return to Tomorrow: God-like aliens get revived by the crew. The aliens initially seem benevolent, but then start to become corrupted by human temptations.

Where No Man Has Gone Before: Two crew members gain god-like powers and, of course, get corrupted by the power.

Whom Gods Destroy: Mostly memorable because it has a witty, megalomaniacal villain.

Dagger of the Mind: A so-so episode about mind control.