Which is the greater force gravity or atrophy?

Which is the greater force in your humble or not so humble opinion gravity or atrophy?

All submissions considered- especially amature science or what the fuck I’ll give it a go!

I think it is entropy.
Not only will it kill us all in the end (like 100000000000 years from now) but on top of that, hardly anyone understands what it is.
Now, that’s power if I you ask me.

If I have to chose between gravity and atrophy…well of course it is gravity. My guess is that almost anyone here is attracted by gravity, but I doubt there are ANY people attracted by atrophy (pervs excluded).

I consider my case closed and I will go back to those hard-to-find places on the internet where I can talk about my secret addiction to threesomes.

Interesting question. Never heard of these 2 things being compared before . I am not sure that atrophy is actually a force. Rather it is a degeneration (often due to lack of use)

Gravity is a force (the attraction between 2 masses) but one of the weakest forces in nature which is why its only “visible” when there is at least 1 huge mass present.

To compare the 2 scientifically we need to find a model where both “forces” are at work. I think the breasts (& often arse) of an aging woman are probably a good place for observing the 2 in action.
As the breasts age ,atrophy results in the perky breasts of a young woman deflating. In this state of deflation gravity gets hold of them & pulls them down towards the floor. Without the atrophy ,gravity could not do its work so I think in this case atrophy would be the dominant force…
then again without gravity they wouldnt head south when atrophied…but given the choice between atrophied breasts in a zero gravity enviroment or non atrophied breasts in a gravitational environment , I think I know which most people would choose.

Sorry, I did mean entrophy, but atrophy obviously too presents some pretty interesting possibilities.

Is it entrophy that is causing the atrophy in my brain?

Have I got a bad case of entrophy?

Blueface once posted a picture of himself on these forums, I thought he was holding up pretty well against, this the nastiest of forces, but all the same I could see its relentless power at work on the man.

The reason I ask is I think they are opposing forces, but complimentary in another way.

If there is a force that would allow for the creation of an alternate universe, I think it must be entrophy which wouldn’t be able to accomplish this without gravity.

Any debunkers?
Thanks Scuba and t.ukyo very insightful.

[quote=“Fox”]Sorry, I did mean entrophy, but atrophy obviously too presents some pretty interesting possibilities.

Thanks Scuba.[/quote]

Surely you mean entropy ?

Entropy is a measure of disorder, and a high entropy is achieved when a system has dissipated as much energy as possible. Thus a highly-ordered, low-entropy system such as a house of cards naturally tends to dissipate energy (by falling down) to form a high-entropy jumble of cards on the table. Easy huh?

Yes entropy- got it.

Entropy, eh?

Love is the greatest force in the universe :love:

Isn’t entropy influenced by gravity ? stuff falls together, not apart.

[quote=“Big Fluffy Matthew”]Love is the greatest force in the universe :love:

Isn’t entropy influenced by gravity ? stuff falls together, not apart.[/quote]

Well, you could test your theory by dropping the shards of a broken vase on a hard floor. If your logic holds true, the shards should hit the floor, bounce, reassemble themselves in the right order and fuse in mid-air, giving you an unbroken vase.

[quote=“monkey”]Well, you could test your theory by dropping the shards of a broken vase on a hard floor. If your logic holds true, the shards should hit the floor, bounce, reassemble themselves in the right order and fuse in mid-air, giving you an unbroken vase.[/quote]If I did that, I would get a pile of bits of vase over the floor, and I would need to expend energy to get them back again, hence entropy always increases in a closed system, is this case helped by gravity.

The same with the house of cards example, entropy turns it into a big pile of cards.

Are you sure you didn’t mean apathy ?

[quote=“Big Fluffy Matthew”]Love is the greatest force in the universe :love:


Makes me ponder ( in a completely off the thread sort of way) wether Love or Hate is the greatest force. eg Do you make people fight harder in a war by increasing their love for thier own country or by increasing the hate for the opposition ? The benefit of hate in this context is that it can probably be more focussed & personalised than love. Eg It is easier to Hate Saddam/Osama than to love George/Tony.

Back to the thread. Is the decline of the sex life in married people an example of entropy, atrophy or apathy or possibly a combination of all 3 ?

Entrophy – The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity.

Gravity is a force. It has an effect over an infinite distance.

They are different. It would be hard to construct a logically meaningful comparison.

If after the big bang the matter which makes up our known universe is rocketing outwards away from that central point gravity is the force that’s pulling it all back together, creating the spin of the universe. At one point in this spinning systemizing effect eddies must be being formed at the edge of the universe owing to entropy as these eddies break off from the known universe as they would gravity works on these stray gasses to form them into alternate universes.

Am I right or what?

[quote=“Fox”]If after the big bang the matter which makes up our known universe is rocketing outwards away from that central point gravity is the force that’s pulling it all back together, creating the spin of the universe. At one point in this spinning systemizing effect eddies must be being formed at the edge of the universe owing to entropy as these eddies break off from the known universe as they would gravity works on these stray gasses to form them into alternate universes.

Am I right or what?[/quote]Nope, you just made that up, sounds good though.
Stephen Hawking goes on about entropy a bit in his book.

Big nerdy Matthew