Whining, that only they can hear

I love the nub in this story - a whining electronic mosquito that only the younguns can hear. What further developments can we aim for here? What about an electronic mosquito that emits a thunderclap of god like qualities for dispersing groups of fire cracker exploders over the New Year? Of course, it has to be such that only they can hear it.

[quote]Electronic Mosquito targets antisocial teenagers
CONTROVERSIAL electronic “teenager dispersal” device has been introduced to Australia, marketed as the latest weapon against antisocial behaviour.

The Mosquito emits a high-pitched whine at a frequency audible only to the ears of young people and becomes so unbearable that they are driven away from the area.

A shopping centre in Queensland, a home owner in Canberra and an art gallery in Victoria have all bought the devices.

The NSW Police Force is considering buying one to be used in Coffs Harbour, and several local councils are interested.

In Britain, more than 3000 of the $1200 devices have been installed since they were developed there three years ago.

But children’s groups say it is an infringement of human rights.

Sydney-based Cooper Electrical owns the Australian rights to the Mosquito, which will be showcased this week at a public safety officials conference on the Gold Coast.

Doug Sanderson, general manager of the Station Square Shopping Centre in Maryborough, Queensland, had a Mosquito fitted at an entrance to the mall late last year.

“We had a huge problem with teenagers . . . just hanging outside the centre all day, swearing, spitting and being intimidating,” he said. “As soon as [the device] was turned on, the teenagers left.”

Australian Childhood Foundation chief Joe Tucci is concerned the Mosquito may harm innocent children: “Surely, in 2008, we can find ways of being able to communicate with young people that don’t cause them pain?” [/quote]

But as suggested by that last comment, didn’t anyone think to go up and tell these kiddies to “fuck off, you’re scaring the old fogies”?


OMG, this is riduculous how the world is going to hell in a handbag. Okay, a bunch of bored teens are bothersome but when did it get to the point that people are treating kids, like they aren’t of worth. Oh that’s how they ended up on the corner anyway. Never mind. :s

Well, I guess that money could have build a community center and hired a few people to invest time in the very people who will be in positions of power one day. As my someone in my family says “Children grow up you know”

2 words…Water Cannons.

That’ll clear 'em out…:imp:

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]2 words…Water Cannons.

That’ll clear 'em out…:imp:[/quote]

So political incorrect :laughing: but good…

Could always resort to the ways of old: edition.cnn.com/SHOWBIZ/News/9907/08/showbuzz/ (scroll to bottom item)

I believe making loud noises like that is against the law. Not to mention that it is almost certainly a health concern. It will very likely worsen the hearing of the elderly who are oblivious to its existence. If they are bothered, they should have law enforcement enforce the “loitering” laws.

Do they have any that work against old people? I hate it when geezers occupy the benches near my house all day.

That whining is my fav. ring tone. Sometimes you can’t feel vibrate or don’t notice because it is in your coat pocket, but if you combine it with the whine, you’ll get it every time.

My boss, & my wife can’t hear it. Only myself & my kids.

I hate the electronic tennis racquet mosquito zappers they sell here. I’ve been drunk a few times and have had a few drinking friends zap me with them. The devices sure jolt you!!!

don’t old people have anything better to do? Can’t they just go away somewhere and die quietly?

Nope. They die with a long protracted whine that only young people can hear.


[quote=“Namahottie”]OMG, this is riduculous how the world is going to hell in a handbag. Okay, a bunch of bored teens are bothersome but when did it get to the point that people are treating kids, like they aren’t of worth. Oh that’s how they ended up on the corner anyway. Never mind. :s




Sorry, I’m too old to hear the whine. What does QFT mean?



Sorry, I’m too old to hear the whine. What does QFT mean?[/quote]

Quote for Truth?



Sorry, I’m too old to hear the whine. What does QFT mean?[/quote]

Quote for Truth?[/quote]


QFT", internet slang usually meaning “quoted for truth”. This term applies on forums and posting boards where users can edit their posts, and describes a re-posting of another user’s statement in order to counteract subsequent changes. Since the repost is not made by the original author, it can not be edited by him and will always preserve an unaltered copy of his initial contribution. Thus the QFT holds the poster to his original statement. It is also used - in the form of the slightly-altered “quoted from truth” - to express agreement with a previous poster’s statement and validate its veracity. Other variations include “quoted for truthiness,” “quoted for truthery,” and “quite fucking true” (used to indicate complete agreement with the previous post in toto). QFT can also mean “quit fucking trolling” or "quit fucking typing.”



[quote=“marboulette”]“quit fucking typing[/i].”


That wouldn’t be a first for me :laughing:

marboulette, thanks for the info and those cute kids in your avatar wouldn’t be the “for 10 cents a day…” kind of kids would they?

[quote=“Namahottie”][quote=“marboulette”]“quit fucking typing[/i].”


That wouldn’t be a first for me :laughing: [/quote]LOL. I’m pretty sure Tinman is just agreeing with you… Count me in, too.

[quote]marboulette, thanks for the info and those cute kids in your avatar wouldn’t be the “for 10 cents a day…” kind of kids would they?[/quote]No, they are just images of kids in poorer countries by a photographer named Peter Langer. He’s got lots of pics:



I find Debussey & Satie quite useful for breaking up roving hordes of swearing teenagers.
A couple of hundred years ago this problem would have been solved by a press gang. Ship them off to the tropics to “go mad in the noon-day sun”:…

[quote=“TheGingerMan”]I find Debussey & Satie quite useful for breaking up roving hordes of swearing teenagers.
A couple of hundred years ago this problem would have been solved by a press gang. Ship them off to the tropics to “go mad in the noon-day sun”:…[/quote]

Yeah, and we’re still fuckin’ here, and currently the noon-day sun aint so fuckin’ hot!


[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”][quote=“TheGingerMan”]I find Debussey & Satie quite useful for breaking up roving hordes of swearing teenagers.
A couple of hundred years ago this problem would have been solved by a press gang. Ship them off to the tropics to “go mad in the noon-day sun”:…[/quote]

Yeah, and we’re still fuckin’ here, and currently the noon-day sun aint so fuckin’ hot! [/quote]
Right, but one has given up milling about outside the strip mall or corner store, up to no good, leering at honest women, taking the Lord’s name in vain, and smoking umpteen packs of pilfered ciggies?
And other such shocking shenanigans…