Who are westerners?

As mentioned in the other thread, I’m half German half Taiwanese, born and raised in Germany and do hold both passports. Even though it is mathematically not correct, I consider myself 100% German but also 100% Taiwanese, which makes me in my own sense a westerner as well as an Asian at the same time. I feel this way, because I have both cultures in me and consider both countries my home. Giving up one or the other would break my heart.

Nevertheless growing up as a mixed-race kid was sometimes not easy, because neither side really sees you as a native, which makes you basically a foreigner everywhere and you have a sense of not belonging. But when you get older things change and I started to realize that it is rather gift than a curse. :slightly_smiling_face:

So for me, being a westerner isn’t limited to the appearance, growing up in a western country can also make you a westerner. But I see that many people, also taiwanese, think that westerners ought to have a certain physical appearance.