Who is America

Yeah but also scary…I kept thinking someone was gonna freak out and pull out their gun or something:worried:

I think people have done that when he was Bruno and borat.

How he gets away with this beggars belief. I believe there’s a lot of editing, very naïve interviewees, and a genuine belief this footage will never be seen. Some of it is entertaining and often revealing, but he has a definite anti-conservative, anti-2A bias.

I’m honestly ok with that. I’m a strong supporter of 2A, i didn’t categorize myself as a conservative but it seems progressives have alienated me. Although you’re right on your position, I never felt like he’s so biased that he wouldn’t go after anyone so I’m not to caught up on it and enjoy seeing people making a complete fool of themselves. I think a reasonable person can judge if a person is probably being fooled a bit think it was going to be off camera like dick Chaney signing the water board. But did you see that girl try to get people to support child soldiers lol I’m sorry, if you’re that dumb you do an entire commercial for it, you deserve some ridicule.


True true! He aims for the low hanging fruit. It seems, and I’d be happy to believe, that conservatives are more trusting and free to speak their mind (even if idiotic). Progressives are more keen to hidden motives and potential for embarrassment, since they more commonly use these tactics themselves (in my humble experience).

These days yeah, these are people that correct you for saying mankind instead of peoplekind lol. So they probably wouldn’t crack a few jokes that most of us would make knowing it’s probably offensive and never say in public.

But I’d like to think people can see that certain things are like them joking around thinking it’s off camera to a guy they probably think would find it funny vs getting someone to do an entire commercial for child soldiers. That’s a new level of stupid.

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Peoplekind = Justin Trudeau = Canada’s embarrassment. Sad state of affairs in socialist Canada.

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It’s a simple trick:

  1. Completely misrepresent your intent (“It’s a documentary about X and will be broadcast on television in country Y!”)
  2. Ask people to sign waivers.
  3. Hope they don’t notice the fine print saying Party A can actually do whatever the :banana: it wants with the footage.
  4. Repeat. :money_mouth_face:
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I wonder why Donald Trump hasn’t sued already :grin:

Good Lord. The Borat film had some insightful content and plenty of comedy. This series is pure anti-American, unless you’re a far left liberal. Most of the content of this series is biased and unfunny. It’s intentionally offensive towards what the filmmaker Sacha Baron Cohen would refer to as “septics” if he speak Cockney.

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So the definition of American implies bigotry, support providing children with weapons and other stuff of the kind? Oh man, the USA is really fucked up then.

Again, it’s not representative of the population. No better than a Taiwanese college student watching US movies and thinking we all get drunk every day and have sex with total strangers at the drop off the hat.

Then to take the piss out of these guys shouldn’t be an insult to America, just to that part of America. Specifically the USA part. :smiley:

Jokes aside, maybe the series title is insulting (to the USA), but the show itself is not.

Wut…we don’t?

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We know you don’t. Not both things.

Not at the same time. It’s against foreigner rules! Bear in mind subsection 2.302.1.

You’re right. I never wear a hat.

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No #MAGA for you? :hushed:

Nope. I wouldn’t want to be attacked by an angry crowd of anti-Trumpers. Those people are insane. Plus, I have a big head and look stupid in a hat.

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