Who is Christian?

That’s just you.

Thanks for sharing. I guess we’ll see at the last day when I stand before Christ to see if He calls me a “good and faithful servant” or a “worker of iniquity”. If you’re in the queue by me at that time, you can see if you were right all along or not. In any case, I don’t hold it against you. I wish you the best.

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Cheers. Final judgement is not mine. I just disagree with the issue of monotheism.

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Of course many Muslims and Jews consider Christians to be polytheists, not monotheists, precisely because of the doctrine of the Trinity.

Thanks! Welcome!

I find the LSD church absolutely fascinating. I’ve met several Mormons, been to a couple of church services, and done a lot of research on them. One of my friends in Taiwan was a Mormon and he never tried to push it on me. In fact, he’d only ever bring it up when I’d ask him about it. He and his family were so kind - it really left an impression on me. Also, despite adhering to all the good wholesome family values that Mormons are famous for, he is massively left-wing and critical of Trump. That blew my mind, because I basically always thought that Mormonism and Conservativism went hand in hand.

However, I just find so many things about the teachings so difficult to accept that there’s basically no chance I’d ever become a Mormon (sorry!).

I’ll come back with some questions for you later!

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Do you really wear magic underwear?

most posters in this thread come from religious fanatic USA, where Europe dumped its cultists back in the day.

It is ridiculous to see catholics/mormons/protestants saying the other denominations are not Christians. lmao.

Kind of like “it’s a FAITH, not a religion” pile of crap.

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Kind of goes against the whole freedom from religion they didn’t write in Mr. Bills Rights… Is that what started all those Inquisition questionnaires they were handling out ‘back in the day’? So the Spaniards, Germans, Italians, Norwegians, Welsh, Czechs, Portuguese, Swedish, Dutch, the Aliens and the Popesicle himself, all got together during the Dark Ages of Plagues and decided to round up these cultists… Was there like an international wagon that collected them? Did they offer cash incentives or free land to lure them out, or maybe a promise of slaves? Damm; I’m always last to get the real story. All this was kind of glossed over in the history books I’ve looked at, or maybe I missed creative writing that day. Is this available in Cliff Notes or something like that?

Totally. Just like a Buddhist’s or Priest’s robes. If we all get too close to each other though, the powers are combined and the Earth’s magnetic field moves a bit.


Mormons don’t do that. Pretty sure of it.

Give them time :slight_smile:

Because, in the immortal words of LBJ, they want to be inside the tent pissing out, not outside the tent pissing in.

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The Hebrew Bible isn’t as monotheistic as you think. The consensus among Bible scholars is that Yahweh was originally a junior deity in the Israelite pantheon.

I suppose most people would. :brain: :rainbow: :eyes: :church: :exploding_head:


Haven’t we been over this before?

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right on. Hence it says in the bible “I’m a jealous god”

I wasnt here for it.

I am a member of a church in Taipei. I used to be active, but now inactive. But I still attend meetings on Sunday.

The faith of the church is basically same as one of evangelicals, because the church originates back in late 19th-early 20th century of christian mission in China. They believe in basics like sin and salvation, resurrection, armageddon, New Jerusalem and the lake of fire, etc. And they are fervently against homosexuality.

Far as I know, most of the member of the church are decent people. Good workers, even some doctors. Many of them are rather in better part of the society. They have good contribution to the society. And they get along with their colleagues.

I somehow lost faith. I am even skeptical if God exists at all. But when someone asks me what you are, I answer I am a christian. Because I attend Sunday meetings? Maybe so.

What I want to say is, 1. those who hold fundamental belief are not necessary horrible people. Rather, many of them are good. 2. Christian is a word of broad spectrum. I consider myself a christian. Maybe I am at the bottom of the category, I still am. And I can get along with fundamentals, at least on the surface.

Pew Poll

I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but I do wonder… How does a person who is “good” and “not necessarily horrible” live their life knowing, with absolute certainty, that the majority of people in the world and throughout history will burn in the “lake of fire” you mentioned for eternity?

It’s not even like people like those you’ve described believe only “bad” people will go to the lake of fire. They believe everyone is essentially bad, but because they believe in Jesus they’re saved from that torment while everyone else isn’t. And it’s not like the eternal torment they believe in is a temporary corrective/cleansing process that they eventually come out of - it’s literally eternity.

It seems fucked up to me. And irrational beyond belief. I don’t see how anybody who isn’t horrible could believe that… at least if they seriously examined their beliefs.

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