Spack was born on Forumosa on 13 Sep 2002, same day as Mother Theresa. We’re twins, MT! I don’t know about you but I’m getting a bit misty-eyed here knowing we share a special bond.
Find out who your Forumosa twin is and share your emotional reunion stories right here.
You’re right.
I used to have a ‘weekends only’ rule for Forumosa but it only lasted about a week. It doesn’t help that I work at my computer for most of the day with 'mosa just a coupla clicks away.
On the day that I was borun (sic), 3 others hatched. They have a total posts of less than 50.
Ironically, the next day BraxtonHicks and HGC joined. Ironically cuz BH has 1 less post than I do…okay…2 now…so the irony is moot with this post. I almost fear hitting the submit button in case it creates some psueudo-cyber-cosmironic rift in the webspace continu…ummmmm.
I found mine by accident when I glanced at MT’s joining date.
Go to the member’s list and click through each page (sorted by joining date) 'til you get to your own name.
It’s a bit tedious if you’re right in the middle of the list but I can’t think of a quicker way.
Only connection I can see is that he’s from Toronto and teaches English here. I once lived there for a few years and taught English here for a few years.
Poagao is my closest active twin. He joined July 16, 2001. I joined July 20, 2001. There’s someone who joined two days before me and then no one else for almost a full week.