Who should we invade next?

They kind of got it right. :wink:


Yeah, this is at least the third time this has been postedā€¦

Itā€™s like the Tonight Show skit where he hangs out all day in hollywood asking people various history quesetions and then picks the 5 or 6 dumbest answers and runs emā€¦

Itā€™s all wrong.
We should invade the San Juan Islands.
Whilst thereā€™s not a moment to be lost!
Britischer schveinehunden!

I vote for invading Sanchong.

With What?
Cattle Prods?

And there was much rejoicingā€¦

That was priceless.

I like the ploy of mislabeling the various countries on the map shown to those various buffoons. Didnā€™t anyone go to geography class?

The Rasta guy was rightā€¦invade Canada.

Maybe they should just attack each other! They know better than to attack Canada. When it comes to us/canada wars, the canucks are undefeated. How ya like me now?

Heh? Whattya talkinā€™ about here? Hockey?

With ā€œinvade Canadaā€, I was thinking about that John Candy movie Canadian Bacon. Thereā€™s some good stuff in there. I love the part where that old school TV new broadcaster guy with the dead-pan delivery says ā€œ(about Canadians)ā€¦ and they listen to Anne Murray all day, every dayā€¦ā€.