Who will be in DPP?

DPP’s president candidate will be chosen in July next year.
As we know , Lu,Xie,Su,You ,are called DPP’s four stars.
Especially,Su and Xie are the cynosures.
Could it be "Sue and Xie "or “Xie and Su”?

I like former acting Kaohsiung mayor Yeh Chu-lan. She looks great on camera. The DPP needs somelike her. She can probably only aspire to the “running mate” position, but I think it would be great if she ran for the nomination.

Today’s Taiwan News has a full story on this possibility. I’ve been mentioning to quite a few people lately that I think she has the charisma needed for the job. It’s gonna take a lot to defeat Ma at the charisma game. That’s where Hsieh has it over Lu and Yu shi-kyun (sp?), and perhaps Su has it over Hsieh.

[quote]…It is not surprising that many painted Yeh as a potential presidential candidate for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party when Yeh retired from her office on December 25.

Yeh, 57, has a distinguished string of administrative credentials. She worked as a lawmaker, transportation minister, Council for Hakka Affairs chairwoman and vice premier before running the southern port city at the request of President Chen Shui-bian.

Her squeaky-clean image will prove a valuable asset with the first family and key DPP officials beset by a spate of corruption scandals.

Former national policy advisor to the president Koo Kuan-ming has openly suggested Frank Hsieh, a former premier and Kaohsiung mayor, consider teaming up with Yeh when seeking the party’s presidential nomination.

Others have speculated Chen may name her as premier or Control Yuan chief in light of her stature in the party. …[/quote]

A Su/Yeh ticket would be a strong, and perhaps winning contender for the crown. And my bet’s on Yeh to become Premier if Su ever needs to be replaced before the election comes.

BTW, wisher, maybe you should give this thread a better title.


Right,she is Hakka.But not much support form the Hakka.