Oh, the tit. I really hope Chen will win. Not because I like him (actually he seems pretty useless) but just because I want the DPP to win. Well, not even that really. I just don’t want the GMD (hee hee - that’s my hanyu pinyinisation of KMT) to win. I think I was secretly hoping that Ma Ying Jiu (even though I hate him) would backstab the KMT and run with Chen.
As for who do I think will win. I really don’t know. Up until recently I would have said Lian/Soong (what’s the proper pinyin for Soong anyway? Is it Song?), but it’s got closer now and anything coudl happen. Maybe you should change this or start another one for who would you vote for if you could?
Chen should win, for history’s sake. But LienSoong might prove to be an interesting four years, more interesting that these past 4 boring years and the next 4 boring years should ChenLu win again.
Like I said elsewhere, I am gonna vote for Chen on election day, but if LienSoong win, it will make for a more INTEReSTING society. WIth Chen, more of the same.
Did he really choose her again?!! :shock: I can’t believe it.
I’m routing for Chen, even though lately I’m a little concerned. It’s not that he has done much in the last four years, but I believe if he is re-elected he’ll be able to do more in the next coming four years. If the KMT or other party is elected it’ll be back to square one, at least if the same party is in office long enough something, hopefully, can get accomplished to better Taiwan.
The least of two evils. Chen is not as corrupt, reunification/China friendly or anti-democracy as Lien/Soong, and I like the idea of an independent Taiwan with full international recognition and UN membership.
Pity Chen became such a lame duck as a result of having minority of the votes in the Legislative.
[quote=“X3M”]The least of two evils. Chen is not as corrupt, reunification/China friendly or anti-democracy as Lien/Soong, and I like the idea of an independent Taiwan with full international recognition and UN membership.
Pity Chen became such a lame duck as a result of having minority of the votes in the Legislative.[/quote]
Oh he’s probably corrupt, but not even close to as corrupt as the KMT so no one hears about it. Unfortuantely I’m not confident that he can win being as Lien and Soong are not on the same ticket and everyone blames Chen for the economy. It amazes me they blame him when the whole worlds economy is in the shits, as if he’s too blame for that…
Most of the media is a KMT campaign machine, so they will publish any negative news, and blame it on Chen/DPP.
I doubt it is possible to rise in Taiwanese politics without a certain degree of corruptness. So, as I said, Chen is not as corrupt… as Lien/Soong from the KMT-mafia (disguised as a political party).