Why are American politicians that support Taiwan mostly republicans or conservatives?

I’ve never heard anybody say this.

‘Newest’ democracy in Asia or perhaps ‘youngest’. I’ve heard the first democratic election in any Chinese culture in history but nobody says that Taiwan is the only democracy in Asia.

Do the people you hear saying such things also wear MAGA hats and protest against gay marriage?

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People are responding to this. It was misconstrued at some point. Thanks for the insight, that’s a good way to look at it. Appreciated.

The funny thing is I didn’t say that. We seem to miss each other in our discussions. People were responding to this;

This somehow got interpreted literally.

Thanks for your concern and have a good day.

Terry, since you encouraged me to try harder I took your advice and I dug up the Gay rights scorecard for congress.


Take a look. I see a pattern. I’d be interested in your interpretation.

Our pres should be commended for his stance on LBGT rights. I never mentioned Trump in my post at all, but the movement supporting him. Their disdain for identity politics, PC, and their overall attitude towards minority groups in general is pretty unambiguous.

Here’s a more detailed, more recent breakdown from a more reputable source. It shows that more Republicans support than oppose same-sex marriage and though you can deduce that when religiosity is separated out from the equation, support would be far higher.

Less than half of any demographic group supported the idea a decade ago. Conservatives are generally slower to respond to “do you support” kind of questions though the real opposition has come from the black community and fundamentalist religious groups.

Conservatives who aren’t evangelical don’t care who you sleep with or marry.

“Overall, white evangelical Protestants continue to stand out for their opposition to same-sex-marriage: 35% of white evangelical Protestants favor same-sex marriage, compared with a 59% majority who are opposed.”


I was responding to a quote of what you typed. Now that I read back, I see that you didn’t say it in the way that I thought it was delivered.

My bad for that.

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Did you bother to read the information in the link that I shared with you? It’s a statistical breakdown of voting records.

The link you shared is interesting and I’m glad that GOP are catching up with the rest of the country. But that’s doesn’t prove much.

What’s your take on the data in the article I shared with you?

You’ve changed the topic half a dozen times. We’ve gone from Trump to Trump supporters to the movement that spurred Trump to the voting record of religious conservatives in states that joined the union post Civil War.

I don’t believe you to be dense so will take it that you’re trolling and am done with taking the bait.

Have a good day.

Not trolling sir.

You are addressing your own ideas. I’d like your take on the stats you were presented with if you feel so inclined.

Time to hit the beach, enjoy your day regardless.

Sorry to address the actual topic here.

The story goes that in WWII, Jimmy Carter was on the crew of a US Navy ship that rescued a whole shitload of Chinese kids off the coast of Chiangsu or somewhere who had lost their families and been injured and maimed by KMT bombings.
From that day onward, he nurtured a seething hatred for CKS and all things KMT.
Later, when he became POTUS, he gleefully finished what Nixon & Kissinger had started and got the ROC’s chair pulled from the UN.

Kind of a Paul Harvey moment there for you all.


If you mean those with dual Citizenship, you can’t really just call them “Taiwanese” now, can you?

Or if you’re Ian Easton: because if China gets Taiwan, they can force Japan and Korea into their orbit by threatening to cut off shipping (including oil) to them, so that the USA loses power and influence over the Western Pacific.

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Yeah me too😂 Sorry for that

Not to mention Trump supported LGBT before he was even president. And far before Obama and Hilary was vocal about the issue. But somehow he is anti LGBT in the MSM.

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I don’t know that I accept the premise of this question. Is there any evidence that the right supports Taiwan more or less than the left? If so, can I see it?

I have always thought that support for Taiwan was pretty bipartisan.

Yes there is a lot of evidence. Rep have always supported Taiwan more than dem. Everyone knows this. It’s not really even a debate.


It’s kind of hard to pay down that one time Jimmy Carter stabbed Taiwan in the back.

Jimmy Carter stabbed a lot of allies in the back. He was a major asshole.

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Like I said

He came through a few years ago on a speaking tour, like all the ex-POTUSes (POTI?) do, and they had a real hard time selling tickets…


It was not a good time for Taiwan durong the Obama years. Obama would not approve any weapons packages to Taiwan besides as one of his last acts. I’m pretty certain he wouldn’t have done anything if China invaded Taiwan under him. He avoid any confrontations with China like the plague.

Isn’t avoiding military confrontions a good thing?

I never felt any real threat from China under Obama. We’re closer to war and have severed economic ties and diplomatic relations. How is that a better situation?