Madoka Ozawa is back in Taiwan and she’s looking to make herself a big star here (although not a porn star). However, that’s only part of the story. The even bigger news is…
I haven’t read through this thread as it’s tooo long, but I’d suggest the reason as too why Japanese porn stars can make it so big in Taiwan is simply market. Would that Jeff guy be anybody in the States.
Just a wild “stab in the dark” but it’s my guess that porn starlets in Japan get “old” quickly. Once demand for their stuff runs out in Japan (Japanese are so fickle ), they’ll do all they can to maintain that income, and maybe try their luck here. Maybe they think it’ll fuel demand for their VCDs or whatever and keep them in the money-earning limelight a little longer.
Monkey, I think you are right here. It’s not so much that the AV girls there get old, but you are right, they lose some of their fans as new girls enter the market with ever younger “faces” … and what their Japanese managers have been doing for several years now, and they also do this is Japanese pop stars, is try to find new markets in Asia for extra income, since the Japan market is slowing down for their clients. It is a pure business decision.
But this Madoka girl aint going nowhere here. She is just a one day sensation. She can’t speak Chinese, so how is she gonna be a tV OR MOVie star here, no way. Her manager in tokyo , and now this bloke in taipei who is her manager here on a kind of licensing deal, is just trying to cash in on her Web popularity. All she will sell here is sex, maybe in some TV commericals, and as a guest on the silly variety shows, but she will never make a dent here. same with that earlier one Iikima Ai. She went nowhere. She just appears on Betel Nut packages with her books showing, same with Madoka.
It’s just the stupid media here making a sensation of these dumb broads. Silly. Stupid journalism today on the TT part. Madaka’s earlier AV films were not ART, as sociology expert Miss Ho says, she a series rape and molest fuck films. Not art. Miss Ho. Jeez, it’s about masturbation. Doesn’t the Taiwanese press get it? Online masturbation and imported pictorials.
Today’s Taiwan News had a funny advertorial in the biz section. Seems Madoka girl stayed at the Lai Lai Hotel and the chef there said not only did Madoka perform well in the kitchen, she is also performs well on film. OMIGODFUCKLIFE! Has he seen her Adult videos? Gotta love this Taiwan News for its sense of humor!
No, Formosa Smith, she was just here on a PR tour for her new nude photo book. She stayed at some hotel, the chef there let her take some pictures with him fully clothed of course, and then the PR boys wrote this dumb story for the free media plants in the local media. She was not working. She is not a working girl. She is a provocative product that her Japanese handlers are handling pretty well. But as I’ve said earlier here, she is just a six month sensation here, to satisfy the masturbatory fantasies of Taiwan’s teens and college boys until a new IT GIRL comes along. These Japanese lasses have no staying power outside of Japan. None of them has ever made it outside Japan. Wonder why?
I like her. Madoka. I bet she’s a nice person. If you don’t like Japanese porn, or if you don’t like to masterbate, don’t take it out on Miss Ozawa. She’s just doing her job.
I would like to have a long conversation with her. She must have some interesting experiences.