Every time I try to get a credit card, register my residence or anything else dealing with a Taiwanese instituion, I get rejected because I am not Taiwanese/ Chinese enough.
What is the problem with this place?
You’re not Taiwanese enough.
At least your not Taiwanese enough to do two years military service
In the US foreigners often need to go through hoops to open a bank account.
In the UK, even though I worked there as a European citizen they would not give me a bank account until I had proof of residence and a letter from my employer.
In my home country they won’t give me a credit card unless I show them my work contract. They certainly wont give one to temporary foreigners.
Isn’t the generalisation implicit in that question racist in itself?
No, he’s just not Taiwanese enough.
(sorry… couldn’t resist).
[quote=“Aristotle”]Every time I try to get a credit card, register my residence or anything else dealing with a Taiwanese instituion, I get rejected because I am not Taiwanese/ Chinese enough.
What is the problem with this place?[/quote]
Taiwan likes to demonstrate its eagerness and suitability for acceptance into the community of nations by making life as difficult as possible for the tiny number of foreigners who volunteer to live there. God forbid that any of them should report home that Taiwan is an open and civilized democracy adhering to the rule of law, nor make any favourable comparisons with its matronly big sister, the PRC. Oh no, much better to remain the overbearing and suspicious headmaster continually dumping from a great height on its beleaguered expat population. Way to go Taiwan ! That’ll show those pesky foreigners ! (that maybe they should move to China)