Why are Taiwan's faults always covered up by expats and the press?

Tricky to do at the moment.

I have no problem with anyone letting off steam about Taiwan. There are a lot of things that really fucking annoy me here. I am aware that there isn’t much point to doing it, though.


Bangkok surprise.

Taiwan is in Thailand


Anything is better than where I’m.

Yeah, if you enjoy everything closing at 12.

I guess that depends on where you live.

There are always a few expats who seem to think Taiwan can do no wrong, but on the other side there are always a few who won’t stop bitching about it like it’s the worst place on the planet. In between are the majority of us who recognize both the pros and cons.

Let’s face it, though, there are more pros than cons, and that’s why most of us are here. One thing I find telling is that expats who have lived in several countries nearly always rank Taiwan at or near the top.


There are logical reasons why we are here, or we have mental health issues.

Actually, that’s a bit concerning.


Because by and large life is good here, and we may be frustrated by small issues sometimes, but we’ve stayed here for a reason rather than going home.


In Thailand?!?

12 midnight? Who the hell is up that late?

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Last time I was in Bangkok, the pubs all closed at 12. Things may have changed, though.

Umm… that is Lunch II.

Perfectly normal.

I don’t know when that was, but it must have been before I started going. 7-11 there does stop selling beer at midnight, though, so a point for Taiwan there.

A good night’s sleep sets the tone for the day, young man.

My days are amazing. I live in a country that might as well call this year 2019-III. I have few complaints, but that doesn’t determine an average day. They’re more…goals…

I’m happy. I’m doing well.


I believe a large chunk of these insecurities have to do with that Taiwan is simply not officially recognized by basically any country in the world. There seems to be the hope that positive press will let other countries realize that Taiwan needs to be included. Negative news counter this development, hence they try to silence it by all means.


In most countries, including Europe and North America, there will be a couple of days/weeks each year with bad air. Air quality in Taipei on average is on the same level or even better as European cities of the same size. If you believe otherwise you are deluded.

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A lot of foreigners in Taiwan are idiots and speak little to no Chinese. They don’t really understand what is going on in Taiwan and think they are supporting a sports team. It’s kind of tedious


Honestly I think most Taiwanese are OK with criticism, it’s foreigners who get uppity

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