Why aren't the girls getting taller, too?

I like’em short with a flat head…gives me a place to rest my beer.

I am 5’7". when I went to Australia, I didn’t see many gals taller than me…but I did see lotsa gals much bigger than me!

I think its due to lack of calcium.

I’m 5’7’’ as well. My younger brother is 6’1’’.

5’9 here

I think I hit 5’8 when I was about 13… now that was an akward stage of my life :s

Taller women rock. :slight_smile:

Here is a very good article on the growing “height gap” between junk-food eating Americans and healthier Europeans.


[quote]The immediate point was clear: America was a good place to live in the eighteenth century. Game was abundant, land free for the clearing, settlement sparse enough to prevent epidemics. On Komlos

Thanks Mod lang for proving to me that my family really are freaks! average female height 5’9" and most men are at least 6’4", with my brother, whom I have always affectionately call a freak of nature, coming in at 6’6".

As for the Taiwanese girls, I’ve taught girls in 7th and 8th grade that are taller than I am. I see lots of tall girls now.

There is an age gap, younger women are taller than older ones. Females in their mid thirties are smaller than the ones in their 20s.

I notice that all the time.

Some girls are bigger than others.

But do you feel annoyed when people look at you like you are a giraffe…I do sometime, especially when I am with my brothers and cousins, all taller than 6’4"

Why feel annoyed? Life is too short to feel annoyed for being tall. You are luckier than a lot of people! Just pretend they’re looking at you cuz you’re so good looking.

You have been hanging out in the wrong neighborhoods. There are plenty of tall boys. But girls tend to mature earlier…

Maybe they’re getting deeper. :sunglasses:

Most girls would kill to be tall. No need to complain. It’s like saying, gosh I’m too beautiful, too smart… :slight_smile:

[quote=“mod lang”]Here is a very good article on the growing “height gap” between junk-food eating Americans and healthier Europeans.


[quote]The immediate point was clear: America was a good place to live in the eighteenth century. Game was abundant, land free for the clearing, settlement sparse enough to prevent epidemics. On Komlos

A friend of mine suggests that it’s growth hormones in the meat. Using growth hormones on livestock has worked it’s way East in the last decade or so. But why then wasn’t there the same spike in height in the West after it was introduced. Does that debunk the theory or are people here more genetically receptive to it?

…-shrug- I’m Taiwanese…12 years old…a girl…5’4. Is that short? I’m also a picky eater (no red meat for me), and allergic to milk.
I don’t know how it works either.

Is it possible that the taller generation (not that I’ve noticed it myself) could be because of the input into the gene pool from the mainland Chinese who came here in around 1950.

The Northern Chinese are disticntively taller than the southern Chinese and the Taiwanese Chinese are from southern stock. But now there has been introduced more northern stock. So unless the two groups marry only within their respective groups there would surely be an over all change in the Taiwanese gene pool.

Watch out guys, this one’s definitely the Feds. :wink:

5’4" is perfect, dear. Just be yourself.

Watch out guys, this one’s definitely the Feds. :wink:

5’4" is perfect, dear. Just be yourself.[/quote]How tall is that? in cm?