I was only married a short time, therefore not quite 2 cents worth but perhaps a farthing.
Basically I think that marriage must entail some difficulty. Its actually difficult for two people to get along all the time for a long time. The legal entanglements of marriage and that foreknowledge of same makes most people aware of the commitment required. And hopefully if they are willing to leap through all the hoops and hurdles it is a better demonstration of commitment, which is essential in a successful marriage.
Success of course is definable. Is it defined by length of the marriage? The children produced by the marriage? I think its defined by a better lifestyle for both parties. A successful marriage makes things better for both people, or it should in my book.
Our society is set up on the family unit preceded by marriage. Therefore there are many laws in many countries that favor marriage. Allowing many rights upon foreigners only upon marriage. Such as the right to work and/or citizenship, etc.
Marriage is a relatively modern way to stay together with someone you love. Without the “protection” of many laws that entice (or coerce as the case may be) you to marry and stay married, many couples will eventually lose their association with each other.
Ideally, you marry someone very compatible with yourself and with the benefits and protection of the law helping your marriage you procreate and produce children. Provide a proper home for them to grown and become responsible adults who in turn produce other responsible human beings.
Not being married makes it “easier” to say no to each other and walk out. Therefore adding more insecurity and lack of sense of direction. At least in theory.
Of course if two people are in a failed marriage, hate each other, etc. That marriage is like hell on earth and should be abolished.
IF one is lucky and circumspect enough to get a mate with whom he/she is enamored sufficiently with to go the distance .That is indeed good fortune and a good basis for the upbringing of children.
ON the other hand, maybe my good ol Dad was right. Marriages should be like Driver’s licenses and automatically expire after five years !! And you can renew at will or NOT. Therefore saving tons in lawyer fees (this is where Taiwan is a major win as its soo easy to divorce if both parties agree).
My first marriage scared the bejesus out of me towards marriage. But more then ten years on, im actually keen on the idea. Provided the Almighty picks the fortunate woman for me because I cant seem to find a “good” one.