Why do people not believe in climate change?

For me, it’s a way to get more taxes for a poor job. I’m unwilling to pay higher taxes for zero or even worse results. We should go green, but scaring people and taxing people out their asses is not the way. We do have a moral obligation to take care of the earth. But I think there is a middle ground in making it economically viable without ridiculous taxes and hurting the economy beyond what’s necessary.

Actually we should be scared and alarmed because global warming could have a positive feedback loop runaway affect (as tundra releases methane, hydrates from ocean , reduced albedo effect from ice ). At a certain point it could become unstoppable…The time for action is right now.

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I would say concerned and actively seeking to find solutions. Being scared makes people too easily agree to stupid laws and plans that don’t work or make things worse from politicians who want political points with zero fucking clue on a good plan. Like what happened in Taiwan.

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Good point. Being informed is more important. How to make people sit up and take notice. Tricky balancing act.

Taiwan seems too fixated on dollars and the economy, fossil fuel island hasn’t changed its stripes very much at all. The worst part is that it impacts on local citizens health directly everyday.

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Can anybody explain how exactly humans managed to cool the earth’s climate the last time it was successfully accomplished?

How did humans halt climate change last time?

They stopped burning fake money.


Why is it irrelevant? Are you saying that the solution is simply a function of human population growth?

Looks at the modern population, multiply by modern technology .

It does not compare with anything in the past.

Surely there must be some takeaway, some objective lessons to be learned from the last time the climate was successfully cooled.



That might be largely why people don’t believe in climate change, then.

Seems a lot of people wish to dodge honest discussion, so the whole thing looks like a waste of time.

Make a point if you are going to make one. Nobody can do if for you.

I just made two points.

You didn’t say anything. Just waffling on meaninglessly in front of the stats.
Meanwhile the world gets hotter.

Some of the strongest advocates for action to negate climate change work to dodge honest discussion - point 1.

Which may answer the topic’s question, why people don’t believe in climate change - 2.

Get to the point …Otherwise you sound suspiciously like Rowland.

Do you WANT to sound like Rowland? :smiley:

I’ve made my point, and we are now talking past each other.

If we can’t talk about the last time the climate was successfully cooled by humans - if that subject is verboten somehow, if it’s to be shut down then I’m pretty sure we’ve arrived at at least part of why there’s no urgency. Something else seems to be going on here. Not climate change, something else.

btw, I gots no beef with Rowland.

Nope, just climate change according to the stats.

It’s your urgency, man. :idunno: