Why do websites in Taiwan seem slow when accessed from USA?

I don’t know if it just the connection at my home or office, but websites in Taiwan can sometimes
be really slow when I access them from the USA.

I have a FIOS connection at home, 30mbps down / 5 mbps up.
My offices has a dedicated T3 connection, according to the tech guy.

Yes when I access sites in Taiwan, it just seems slow. I’m not even talking about small
site. I’m referring to big sites, including government, major newspaper/TV, search engines,
big corporations, etc…

The techie at my company said it must be caused by the fact that the “pipeline”
between Taiwan and the US isn’t “fat” enough… (whatever those terms mean…
I’m not really good at computers anyway)

Anybody knows?

THANKS! :slight_smile:

Physical distance to the server.

FBI, CIA, homeland security, NSA are snooping the pages … looking for terrorist actions …

Too much Hello Kitty porn being viewed by all the kids at home for the summer.

Intra-island sites are always slower for me than off-island web sites.

And I don’t store cookies!