The subject says it all…why…yeah WHY don’t they sell German beer at the 7-11 ?
I really love 7-11 from the bottom of my heart. It showed me a level of convenience that I had never before experienced in my life back in Germany. (We don’t have 7-11 or any of those kind of stores back in Germany, it is sad but true…)
But there always has to be a catch right? And that seems to be the German beer problem. They have Taiwanese beer, obviously, American beer, Japanese beer, Dutch beer, but why no German beer? I mean if Germany is famous for anything, than that would be our beer!!
Since I was a little boy I was accustomed to the wonderful rich taste of it and over the years the love grew. The love grew to an extend where I wore merchandising clothes of my favourite German brand. Oh yeah, that were the times. Now you might get a glance of it how hard it was for me to find out that 7-11 doesn’t sell German beer! Don’t get me wrong, I can also live with the substitutes, be it Taiwan Beer, Heineken or even a BAR beer from time to time, but it doesn feel the same…
…see some pics of my happy times, back at the Oktoberfest in Munich here:
You need to learn who Geert is, and which supermarkets sell good beer. 7-11 is the pits. Whereabouts do you live? Maybe we can point you in the direction of a nearby source? Oh Lord, give me a helles bock, quick!
Haha!! a helles Bock is fantastic! I live in Gongguan, Taipei. Very close to Gongguan MRT and Taida. Where can I find my source of inspiration and happiness???
[quote=“Tyc00n”]I checked out your cool Oktoberfest photos. Did your gf really finish that beer?
Some 7-11’s sell Erdingers (or at least they used to). Some of them also sold Hoergaarten for a while. (yes I know its Belgian)[/quote]
Hey! Yeah, my gf really finished that beer. She drank like two of the 1liter glasses…She has been together with me for too long already, she is German at heart now. Haha…
Oh, Erdinger at 7-11 ?? Damn, seem they don’t have it anymore.
Geert delivers to your door ( minimum 2 cases, mixed ok?) and you also have Jason’s in the basement of 101. Does anyone know of any closer to Gongguan?
I get mine from Geert or Breeze (Fuxing Rd. & Civic Blvd.), when I’m allowed. I’m on a diet. I used to brew blonde bocks. Had hops growing in the back yard, lager yeast cultures, a mash tun for 2-row all-malt barley mashes, and a basement with lagering fridges for summer. Boy, I miss that.
You know, the average brewer can’t wait months for a properly lagered bock. Me, I named my first beer Spannungsbogen.
Boy, I miss Germany. I walked from Koblenz to Bingen, stopping to see every castle and sample every beer. Oh, those were the days.
Geert delivers to your door ( minimum 2 cases, mixed ok?) and you also have Jason’s in the basement of 101. Does anyone know of any closer to Gongguan?
I get mine from Geert or Breeze (Fuxing Rd. & Civic Blvd.), when I’m allowed. I’m on a diet. I used to brew blonde bocks. Had hops growing in the back yard, lager yeast cultures, a mash tun for 2-row all-malt barley mashes, and a basement with lagering fridges for summer. Boy, I miss that.
You know, the average brewer can’t wait months for a properly lagered bock. Me, I named my first beer Spannungsbogen.
Boy, I miss Germany. I walked from Koblenz to Bingen, stopping to see every castle and sample every beer. Oh, those were the days.[/quote]
Oh wow, you WALKED the whole distance, sampling the local beers? That is amazing. You know, my best friends in Germany started a beer society, called “Bier e.V”, the e.V. means like registered societly. They are a legal society now promoting the comsumption of beer. Ah yeah, that is Germany. Also they are planning to walk from Germany to Pilsen in Czek Republic (there is a very famous brewery that we pray to) when the German “Reinheitsgebot” (German law from 1516 that clearly defines what ingredients are allowed in beer) will have its 500. anniversary… “Spannungsbogen” is fantastic by the way. haha.
times have changed. used to have tons of BECKS at 711. And i remember a few other german beer brands too. I love Lowenbrau (711 used to have that). Could it be that (gasp) german beer is not popular enough in TAiwan?
taiwanese in general like german beer b/c it is perceived to be of high quality. heineken is popular for that reason - people think it is german and the company does little to change that perception.
Oh my god, they had Beck’s and Löwenbräu?? Those are fantastic! Guess I jussed missed out the good years here in Taiwan… I really don’t understand why that beer wouldn’t be popular here.