Why is it so hard to leave Taiwan?

We are in Canada now and can confirm that eating out with much frequency is for upper wage earners only. In Taiwan there are always tasty options at the low end (dumplings, crap lunch box etc), but there is no low end here, just expensive.

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No, i work all over the world and only occasionally go to TW for business. I left there. Thanks for your concern though!

I eat out every day. I live in DC. I have a stable, government job and I make less than I would if were in the private sector.

During one of my years in Taiwan, I lived very frugally to try to save as much money as I could. I lived in a tiny mouldy room in a shared apartment in which I had to share a bathroom, I cooked very basic and cheap food every day, I hardly ever went on nights out, etc. I found that the amount of extra money I actually saved on top of what I’d been saving before wasn’t substantial enough to justify living that kind of way. In London, on the other hand, if I were to live like that, I would save a considerable amount of money.

The only thing I can think of that I could have realistically done differently to save more money that year in Taipei without severely damaging my psychological well-being would have been if I had moved out of the city. Perhaps I’m too stubborn about living in “the city” for my own good, but the way I see it, I don’t mind living in a rubbish room as long as I’m in a decent area because all I use the room for is sleeping in.

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You’ve read my thoughts.
You can lead a chill life here with minimal hours but can’t replicate that at home.
And yes life does get banal and boring. Having a family here helps remove the banality.

for most of people in most of peaceful countries.

Yup… it’s more of an existential crisis situation, not country specific

existential crisis? I have no dissatisfaction with a banal life.

whats the stats for xinbei? if you compare taipei to xinbei, taipei has almost all the nice areas. only a few crap ones like wanhua. so it makes sense that the people living in taipei are earning more.

Agree. Taiwan is a good place if you want to be left alone to chill with your family and have a low stress life because its convenient and affordable. It’s not as good if you’re looking for culture, music, etc. If having a low key undisturbed family life is one’s priority, then it’s a fine place to live.

There are definitely more interesting places culturally, artistically, with more things to do in Asia. But if family life is the main thing I’m with you.

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I mean is not about fancy stuff, all i care is food being nutritious. I do a lot training and grow up on a farm, so just used to eat clean meat. I can smell when meat is not fresh. Makes me annoying. I went to butchers in Taiwan, but they have no bloody idea how to deal with meat. I sticked with seafood, but when it came to meat everything was old, low quality and came in small porches. Funny thing McDonald hamburger was best deal as cheap meal, when it came to real hamburger nothing was bellow 400 - 500 twd.

Remember someone told me they opened kebab shop in downtown of hsinchu. Went there, paid like 440 twd and got a crappy chicken in a row toast. Just one level better from 7/11 sandwiches

And do not tell me about subway sandwich. I mean must be better in America? This is total garbage too

But yea have friends always complaining me how american food taste sucks. So i guess coming from this kind of place , is reasonable many of you see nothing wrong with Taiwanese food.

wow the food available isn’t as fresh as back on the farm? i’m really shocked about that one. :thinking:

I was totally to fine to pay for it. Spent like 50k on food. Just was so hard to get clean meat even when open wallet. Here in europe, way less.

why don’t you go to those wet markets that slaughters the chicken in front of you? is that farm fresh enough for you or what? i don’t think that costs 50k.

Eventually i got nice butcher for chicken. But just for chicken.They were hilly chickens, cost like 700 twd per one. And aboriginals had fresh wild pork too.