Wondering what this means:
When using the BBS, the URLs used to look like this:
But now they look like this:
Anybody have an explanation?
Wondering what this means:
When using the BBS, the URLs used to look like this:
But now they look like this:
Anybody have an explanation?
Added information: here is something annoying that happens because of the SID:
If i click on a link to another (for example, older) Forumosa thread that is embedded in a given message, i have to log in again to read the referenced thread, since the embedded URL does, of course, not contain the SID.
I should have an answer for you shortly.
I discovered something that might be important in this context: the behaviour is different depending on what browser i use.
That is to say, when i use Firefox, there is no SID, but when i use Midori, Arora, or Links 2 there is one.
Here is some explanation:
There is no SID in the “viewtopic.php” URL. It’s normal, because forum system don’t need a SID for “view” mode.
For “edit” mode (eg. “posting.php?mode=edit”), forum system needs a session to work. Session can live as (a)cookie in the browser or (b)SID in the URL, it depends on if we turn on/off cookie function in our browser. (If we turn off cookie function, forum system will switch to use SID automatically.)
Suggestion: turning on cookie in browser if there’s no other concern.
(btw, Firefox 4 is a good choice.)
[quote=“ernest”]Here is some explanation:
There is no SID in the “viewtopic.php” URL. It’s normal, because forum system don’t need a SID for “view” mode.
For “edit” mode (eg. “posting.php?mode=edit”), forum system needs a session to work. Session can live as (a)cookie in the browser or (b)SID in the URL, it depends on if we turn on/off cookie function in our browser. (If we turn off cookie function, forum system will switch to use SID automatically.)
Suggestion: turning on cookie in browser if there’s no other concern.
(btw, Firefox 4 is a good choice.)
enjoy [/quote]
Good answer ernest. Nobody I know has had cookies enabled in double digits. Use a different browser yuli.
Hm…when i am not logged in there is no SID, but when i am logged in there is a SID added to the URL of any page on Forumosa that i open…
Thanks, this makes very good sense. So that could be the problem - however, cookies are enabled for all browsers i use (unless the browsers are lying), yet a SID appears with three out of four. So, thinking that maybe the BBS software is picky about which browser it gives cookies to and which not, i changed the user agents settings in the one browser that offers this option (Midori) so that the browser would pretend to be Firefox or Safari, but no change…
(BTW, the reason why i’m not using the real Firefox is that it “freezes” too often - “freezing” requires a “force quit” operation that wipes out everything that i have been working on, and for some odd reason i dislike wasting my time that way )
I am not sure whether that was meant for me, but if it is, i don’t understand what it means… :s
You know of one that could do the job in my situation?
Thanks for looking into this…
The same thing was happening to me a LOT a few months ago. Both then and now, I was/am using either internet explorer or google chrome.
Do we have a brand spanking new admin?
*Edit: Sorry, I just realized that I did have cookies disabled back then.
Short answer: We’ze be watchin youz.
Long answer:
cookies are your enemy.
Well, since you do online for business it might make more difference to you, but use FF or Chrome and stop listening to シド.
I see them as a necessary evil and therefore always adjust the settings so that the browsers erase all cookies when shutting down…
I’ll check out Chromium next… SID can hopefully be sent to the pit
Additional information:
I’m just back from having logged in to one of my ISP’s website, which requires cookies and does not issue SIDs, and pages on that site were accessible as usual.
To me this is evidence that in principle Midori handles cookies OK and that supports the idea that this is as much a phpBB issue as something else…