Why is this even news (Indonesian migrant worker with HIV)?

What if it was the Taiwanese boyfriends who gave it to her? Do they write an article for every Taiwanese result as well?

You don’t find it newsworthy that she had four Taiwanese and one Indonesian boyfriend?

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It’s not very newsworthy, sensationalist for what is a government website.


Didn’t know it’s state owned.

How do they know about her boyfriends, but not who they are?

Because of this:

Safe …

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Probably not simultaneously. If you fart wrongly here you are crucified. Don’t these migrant workers have to pass a series of tests including HIV test before receiving their work visas etc?

I remember some time ago reading a news about someone getting HIV in NTU Hospital because of a wrong managed blood/organ whatever transfusion. Did they make a news who was the donor and detailed his/her life?

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Hepatitis is common via transfusions as well.

Not very long ago foreigners got deported right quick once the gov found out about hiv. We had to do that to a few dijfferent african nationalities over the years once the gov tested them for arc.

Never mind the whole referendum BS and the taiwanese/christians craziness that ensued based on gay marriage and hiv and nhi. The news here is as exagerated and useless as the best of them. Used to promote ideologies, fill in time and collect advertising.money, not much more.

Despite no longer testing for it during the medical checks for foreign workers, HIV is still hugely stigmatized here (as it is in all East Asian countries). It’s a shame, but that culture feeds into the sensational media reporting on a story like this.

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Man they really said fuck this woman’s privacy. Are there no medical confidentiality laws in Taiwan? No HIPAA?

So trashy.


Trashy, perfect word for this…

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Although it is news worthy: this person stole the ID of someone else in an attempt to receive an abortion.

It started here

Wait…there’s a “right” way???

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This thread shall not bound to the saga of farts :smile: