Why no "religion and spirituality" forum?

[quote=“Dragonbones”][quote=“Dragonbones”]These are just the year-to-date threads in Open Forum:
My belief is better than yours (OT fr R Mormons Xians?)
Are mormon christians?
christian-guy-totally-owns-mormons (video)
Killing the Buddha
Bible question: Can God do ANYTHING?
What is God’s purpose?
Bible question: Did Adam & Eve’s kids commit incest?
Einstein on God, religion, and the chosen people
WWJD - What would Jesus Do?
Internet group “Anonymous” unleashes attack on Scientology
Sorry, but God sucks.
Cause pollution and you may go to hell - says the Vatican
Religious Experiences - I want some
Shifting religious demographics in the U. S. of A.
WTF does “God bless you” mean?
Taiwanese Penis-Worship Sect
Can religion compare to Nazism? (split from While we’re…)[/quote][/quote]
Most of those are anti-religion. My guess is that you would have a whole forum on the ‘is there a God? yes there is. not there isn’t. you suck’.

It is possible that the existence of a dedicated forum will encourage a more well-rounded discussion of religion, on the analogy of the IP forum. Hard to say in advance.

No. Its easy to say in advance that it would be a shitfest. Look at the existing threads.
(This means that I’m in complete favour of course, by the way. Shitfests are totally where its at.)

In reply to Sandman’s earlier comment, I have no interest in “making my case” to anyone (least of all Maoman). As a courtesy, I have offered a suggestion only, and answered some objections. Your remarks to the effect that it is “my job” to make some sort of formal application, are therefore misplaced. Rather it is the job of the site organizers to judge the matter themselves.

Double penetration.

No they’re not. It’s how it works. Maoman has a life, believe it or not. How can he judge the matter without any evidence? Why should HE be the one to troll through the forums just to see if your request is warranted?
Present him with a case and he’s sure to consider it. Tell him: “hey, why don’t we have a XXXXXX forum?” and he’ll say “show me the need.” It’s real simple.
Or are you under the misapprehension that he spends all day perusing every thread on every forum, so that whenever someone makes a suggestion, he knows exactly what they’re talking about and can instantly access every thread, collate it and lodge it in a new forum? He’s not god. He’s not even sweet baby Jeebuz.
You want a new forum, then get it together and say: “Look at this! Here’s a new forum right here. Will you agree to making this a forum?”

sandman, you make it sound like the flob is a democratic community of equals, or something!

A key word search on ‘reveals’ nearly 2,000 results…

Even if not every one of those is actually about religion or spirituality - are we supposed to paste every link to every discussion about religion here?

I’ll write to Maoman.

Perhaps people would like to post relevant links in this thread?

[quote=“trubadour”]… are we supposed to paste every link to every discussion about religion here?[/quote]Yes. Or at least as many as possible. There normally need to be 30 topic links or more to justify a new forum. Obviously, the more relevant links the better, as it means admins can work directly from them to make the new forum, saving themselves and the mods time moving other related threads in the future.

Have a look at this thread for a better idea of how the process works.

[quote=“trubadour”]Perhaps people would like to post relevant links in this thread?[/quote]Not just in different posts in the thread. Too messy. All the links need to be collated in one post, to save the admins time. So if you want to do that, take Dragonbones’s 17 topics and add at least 13 of your own (preferably a lot more).

Loretta dislikes people bringing up their religion as a justification for anything that can’t be justified by more ‘rational’ means. But that doesn’t mean that Loretta is anti-religion or religious people. Until you can prove to me that we’re not living in the matrix, not living in Roundworld, and not part of a vast computer program (designed to find the answer to life, the universe and everything for a bunch of white mice) then “the God hypothesis” remains no less valid than any other undisproven hypothesis. Even if I don’t personally like it.

If you want to involve my name in any new forum then it has to be:
a) called “Loretta’s Secret”
b) be devoted to whatever you want to call it plus lingerie
c) have a policy of positive comments only

Hands up if you want to see a sub forum about Loretta’s underwear?

[quote=“Buttercup”]Hands up if you want to see a sub forum about Loretta’s underwear?[/quote]For that you’ll have to prove there is a need of such a forum by supplying a list of candidate threads:

forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … 715#206715
forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … 103#331103
forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … 183#210183
forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … 797#414797
forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … 381#168381
forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … 441#103441
forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … 966#134966
forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … 671#285671

As you can see, there is such a need.

OK, BFM provided a bunch of links, and you can add the ongoing [url=http://tw.forumosa.com/t/not-taking-things-literally/45612/1 Taking Things Literally Thread to it.[/url]
What more do we need?

Ok, I’m persuaded. :laughing: One R&S forum coming up!

My sweet lord.