Why not become a Taiwanese citizen?

Doesn’t work this way. Some dual citizens have been denied exit because of conscription issue, even if they enter on their foreign passport.

All countries do not recognize foreign passports if you are a dual citizen. I don’t know why Taiwan is different.

Oh wow. That opens up a whole new set of possibilities. have people with multiple citizenships successfully become taiwanese via renouncing only 1?

there are some countries it is relatively easy to become a citizen. wonder what the paperwork is like to become one for a year and.renounce to become Taiwanese while keeping say the citizenship of birth. Also wonder how closethis navigates toward fraud territory in the governments eyes? should be ok if the naturalization is all legit, right?

I do believe they were told the period they could remain in Taiwan on though and overstayed that.

What fraud? There is no fraud. As in my friends case he simply changed from NZ passport to Canadian passport on his APRC then naturalized. Another friend got Maltese citizenship from his natural birth parent but was adopted as a child to the UK. Good for his wife as they have been married a long time and Malta gives citizenship and passport to partners of Maltese citizens married for 5 years even if they never stepped foot in the EU. So UK Maltese renounce UK get ROC then resume UK while still on TARC. Wants to travel leave Taiwan on Taiwan passport use Maltese passport elsewhere.

Some people have a grandfather from Ireland and obtained Irish Passport without ever stepping foot in Ireland. Also use 3 different names in each nationality of passport.

Nothing wrong with being Taiwanese and collecting passports from other countries. :slight_smile:
I’ve done so since becoming an ROC citizen. :slight_smile:

You only get consular protection on the passport you enter a country with. Australia recognizes foreign passports but they cannot be used to enter Australia. It does not want an issue with people claiming consular rights to a foreign nation when they are Australian citizens in Australia.

The UK is like Taiwan, UK citizens can enter on a foreign passport. They are often stamped with “indefinite leave to remain in the UK” Sort of like APRC or green card / PR status

Some folks lead very interesting lives. :joy:


After reading the local success story I was curious if he could resume his Pakistani citizenship now that he naturalized. That’s when I saw this on wiki.

I, as a commonwealth citizen, can just burn 17.5k USD on a Pakistani passport and then sacrifice it for a Taiwanese one. Allegedly.


Last year I went to Bali. In my last 2 nights I had booked a hotel but needed an extra day. But my Taiwan credit card I did not want to use. So I asked the staff if I should book the extra night on booking.com they said no need. I said just one thing, I will pay with a different credit card from another country with a different name. I get a quiz about whose credit card is that? I’m like mine, it comes with this other passport from another country using a different name. The lass is like OK I’ve seen people with two passports but always same name lol.

Yea Taiwan only wants you to give up your citizenship if you wish to become Taiwan citizens. If you are already Taiwan citizens when you acquired other citizenship then they don’t really care (and they really can’t do much about it either).

But then some countries, like China and Japan, will revoke your citizenship when you become a US Citizen for example (because you sign an agreement saying you renounce all other citizenship when you become a US citizen, but the US doesn’t care what you do with your other citizenship). So very few Chinese or Japanese citizens in the US will naturalize… they don’t want to lose the right to visit their relatives after all.

I suppose I was talking more about today gettinga passport from a country, then renouncing it a year or so later (or whatever the time frames may be) for Taiwanese. like a burner phone. My worry would be if the authorities here have any issues with intentionally getting another passport with the intention of throwing it away later for the Taiwanese one. I dont see fraud either, but I have a gut feeling Taiwan could perhaps have issues with this?

This is sort of what I am saying. not necessarilyPakistan. but anywhere you can essentially buy a passport and gain. citizenship easily. I was thinking more in africa than asia. but either way.

If you can afford 30,000 per student per semester to send your kid to TAS, then 17,500 to get pakistani citizenship is nothing.

Though I’m not sure Pakistani citizenship is such a good idea considering that the US might look at you a lot more closely if you have it…

Don’t question it. Just need to prepare everything so it fits the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and they won’t even blink that someone with my appearance is claiming to have Paki citizenship. Just like with banks, nothing matters as long as it you can check all the right boxes.

While I don’t care about US, it does kinda look like you may have sponsored some terrorist group lol. The main thing that looks bad is the suspicious transfer of money to this underdeveloped country.

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The US isn’t part if the commonwealth so US citizens aren’t eligible for the shortcut

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Point is, someone wants to send kids to TAS that badly and can afford to do so, can buy citizenship at probably a bunch of underdeveloped countries just to check the right boxes.

17k usd is much cheaper than 50 years in the end without being able owncertain properties, companies, do certain work and not be able to vote. it is a cheaper way than risking renouncing a passport of use to most people (their original one). I also couldnt care less about how the US feels about it, it’s for Taiwan not them :laughing:

not sure what TAS has to do with it. doubt they care what school your kids attend.

Doesn’t affect how the US will look at people who acquire Pakistan citizenship this way
They meant people who acquire Pakistan citizenship, not people who are US citizens.

Who cares? How would the US know? and why would they care, how other people who were never US citizens got their citizenship?

Such a weird thing to say. The US doesn’t rule the world

No issues at all. They don’t care when or where you got your foreign citizenships. Also a passport does not show when you obtained citizenship of any country unless it’s birth right citizenship like in the USA.


The US only rules the world because other country let them.

either that or they have really powerful intelligence capability.