Why so many British serial killers?

Does anyone have any ideas? There are shed loads of serial killers in the UK:

Although the UK is way off the pace compared to the US. The old serial killing does seem to be, dare I say it, a predominantly whitey kind of thing.

Mostly men, too, but a smattering of women. The women usually seem to go with poisoning, while men use bloodier methods.

The good old 19th century arsenic method.

Obviously testosterone combined with psychopathy is going to make men way more likely to be serial killers. Not all serial killers are psychopaths, though. Skin colour is harder to explain. It could simply be down to higher arrest rates in more developed countries.

One of my friends believes that you meet more killers in your day to day life than you think. Maybe not necessarily serial killers, but people who have killed another person before.

I’m not so sure. I imagine I probably meet people who have killed people in drunk driving incidents. But real killers?

If you were a prison warder, perhaps. I think the number of people who get away with murder is pretty low. Most get caught and incarcerated.

Drunk drivers are real killers.

I don’t understand it completely, but I do think the reason the US is so high is probably because we were settled early by the big 3 of Europe: Germany, UK, France.

My pub theory involves calculus, or differential equations anyway.

Namely that the root cause is a function of male income and the rate of female empowerment, the rate of females educated, and the transparency of information about all of the above.

Something like that, anyway.

The weather


I remember combat veterans are more likely to become serial killers and many of the ones caught have served in the military. The US and UK wouldn’t have a shortage of men who have seen combat.

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I saw a theory that peak serial killer was related to highways and anonymity and lack of policing across state lines. Rate supposedly going down now.

Low social mobility and weak social safety net?

They’re getting caught before they have the chance to rack up a serial number level of kills.

One theory is a lot of them are truckers. Probably a bunch of police types too (like that guy who got done from his DNA recently). Also for a long time police ignored murders of prostitutes if they simply went missing .

Now you get some like the BTK killer who were psychopaths hiding in plain sight. Guy was married for 34 years and had two kids, local volunteer in church.

Ted Bundy was being groomed to be a potential senator.

It wasn’t only prostitutes whose disappearances were ignored. Dean Corll took out 30 or so teenage boys who lived in his home town. Cops didn’t have a clue.

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It just seems like more whites are serial killers because the media tend to be Western-centric. We don’t hear about Chinese serial killers because it’s not like the media’s going to care. They’re pretty anti Chinese/Asian as it is.

Also murders in other countries aren’t reported the same way it is in the West…

I think it’s common to portray serial killers as white as some of the major ones in the west are white. But considering 50% of serial killers in the US are white while whites making up 60-70% it would seem it’s not as bad. Asian American make up 4% of the Population with even less in the past.

Same with John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer.

Carrying on the tradition of Jack the Ripper.

Gacy took out his own employees. That’s how bad the cops were at spotting serial killers back then.

The cops ordered one of Dahmer’s victims back into Dahmer’s apartment because Dahmer convinced them it was just a lover’s spat. The guy had been drilled in the temple at this point.

Law enforcement was useless back then.


Dahmer’s escapee was naked too, wasn’t he?

Back then? Plenty of keystone cops today are continuing the proud tradition of incompetence. The technology (more CCTV and DNA evidence) to catch criminals is just more advanced than it used to be. But their personal judgement calls are still shit. Look at how many unarmed black kids are shot to death in the US.

British girls.

A mother makes a son alcoholic and mother makes him serial killer