Why the heck does everybody want to be Carrie? I mean Sex and the City Carrie. I think she’s so annoying. And the worst thing about it is that the creators probably meant her to be “everywoman” (or “everyman” depending on the person). Yeah, lots of people want to be Samantha too, because she’s such a slut. But Carrie??? I’d much rather be Miranda.
My sister took that show a little too seriously, and wound up pregnant and miserable.
I’d do 'em all.
[quote=“Flicka”]My sister took that show a little too seriously, and wound up pregnant and miserable.[/quote]I’m not going to watch it then. I don’t want that to happen to me :shock:
PS. TV shows go in the Films & Books forum.
its seems like 9 out of 10 girls will list sex in the city as their favorite tv show. (at least on friendster)
id rather go for girl no. 10.
They want to be Carrie because: with those massive hands, masturbating would be an extreme pleasure.
Just a thought.
~Groan~ What a horrible show. Self-involved, egotistical, narcissistic, selfish, shallow women all trying to be fulfilled. What they need is a three years of volunteer work in a war-torn country. And reading some books (cosmopolitan magazine doesn’t count) would work wonders for their characters as well.
TV’s only reflecting reality. Your typical American woman (and man) in a nutshell, these days. At least the yuppies.
Sure, the show’s characters are neurotic and absurd, but that’s what makes it so much fun. Having said that, I do have to watch it in bite-sized pieces, or it just gets too petty and selfish for me to bear.
Personally, Carrie, played by Sarah Jessica Parker who came from a small town near my university in one of the poorest regions of my state, is annoying and shallow to me. It seems she interprets her character as being “Gucci meets whiny homegirl-wanna-be”. Maybe if she got a real job and faced her addiction to shopping, she wouldn’t have to bum money from her lovers to cover her rent. Miranda is my favorite as she’s more down-to-earth than the others as if that means much. In order, my picks would be Miranda, Samantha, Carrie, and then Charlotte who seems more like a middle school French teacher than a city-dwelling sex goddess.
The whole show’s an interesting take from reality. Four gorgeous (Charlotte marginally so), self-absorbed women who never seem to spend time at work, sleep around (and it seems never use protection), and walk around like walking billboards for haute couture labels provides a nice little escape for women who know better.
No cable anymore and trying to keep it that way, but I agree, Sex in the City was an escape for me, a peek at a life that’s the opposite of mine… the clothes, the shoes, the body, the men. I sometimes wonder how they’ll explain this show to their daughters.
So Sex in the City serves as a fantasy fulfillment for many women - those are the kind of women that women want to be, in the way that lots of men view James Bond (grabbing a random example)as the kind of ideal man they want to be?
Yes and No. :?
When I first saw the title of this thread, I thought it was referring to Stephen King’s “Carrie.” Didn’t Sissy Spacek play Carrrie in the movie?
No deep thoughts about this, but I do remember from Christine Hsu’s blog that she and her friends used to gather for the show on Tuesdays in Taipei. Or was that Jody Lin in her blog “An America in Taipei”? Or are they one in the same–I always got their lives mixed up
How about Alita Rickards? She writes a weekly column in a newspaper, she loves to shop (at least according to her column), and she has an attractive photo that runs with her column? So, while we can all only dream of living like Carrie B., Alita is living the life here in the city–of Taipei.
Couldn’t agree more. And I wish that everyone who watched the show “knew better.”
I just think Carrie is so self-consciously witty and brilliant. It seems as though SJP sat down with the script and took all of the witty remarks and penned in “Carrie” next to them, because Carrie is the smart writer of the group–the one who has a way with words. But she pulls off the lines like a twit. My favorite scene ever has to be the one where Carrie has ducked under an overhang to escape from the rain. She sees this cute guy and starts being cute with him, but sounds like a dork. The guy doesn’t think she’s cute and walks right out into the rain. I laughed my ass off.
I actually think that the scripts are a lot better written than some might credit the writers for. I’ve read a couple scripts before, and the writing is quite complex (considering they take not only the entire episode into consideration, but also the entire season, and all previous/future seasons.)
Imaniou wrote[quote]In order, my picks would be Miranda, Samantha, Carrie, and then Charlotte who seems more like a middle school French teacher than a city-dwelling sex goddess.
Charlotte is the only one that I would describe as beautiful. I’ve watched some episodes and hated myself for doing so. God; what am I doing discussing this?! I don’t want to end up in the “Sodomite’s sewing circle”!
Shows like “Sex in the City” make me cringe; I always explain to my students that it is bollocks, that those kind of people do exist but are so rare that they are freaks.
one pink martini lovingly dumped on AJ’s head.
Wow, now there’s a blast from the past. And one of the older threads in Open Forum as well. I can say for sure that Christine Hsu is definitely not Jody Lin. The person known as Jody Lin accidentally outed herself to me one day and promptly swore me to secrecy. I believe she has since left the island.
nice Maoman. Someone outs themself to you, “swears you to secrecy”, and then you out them to the rest of Forumosa. What if she is still here? What if she comes back? What if she’s not here but we all knew her personally and thought she was straight?
You misunderstand. She outed herself as the “mystery author” of a blog, she did not out her sexual orientation. Anyhow, that part of her is no mystery. And as far as her whereabouts are concerned, anyone could draw the same conclusion by clicking on her links - her latet entry in Jody Lin has a link to a new blog which hasn’t been updated for several months but still suggests that she is not living here. (She also used the same blogger template for her new blog that I use for mine. Imitation is the sincerest from of flattery?)
Hope this puts your mind at ease.