Wife's Chinese Language Posts garbled! Please help

My wife spent more then an hour filling in work related forms on my computer. Every thing looked ok as she was typing them. But when she submitted the forms, they appeared on the forum as garbled text. :fume: :help: :smiling_imp: :astonished:

What went wrong! When my computer was set as a Chinese Language Computer, location Taiwan, all my new programs such as Nero and antivirus programs started appearing in Chinese only! So, what is the best setting that would allow me and my wife to co-exist on one machine.

This is weird. Word, Excel, and even e-mail seem unaffected. This just seems to happen on the web.

Now the system info…
Windows XP
IE 7

Any help please. :help: :rainbow: :homer:

You should have a button up there that says “Encoding”. Click that, go down to Chinese Traditional (Big5). If it’s not there, click more and locate it.

If Chinese Traditional (Big5) doesn’t work, try Unicode (UTF-8)

Some traditional Chinese webpage start to use this code.

Thanks for the sugestions, here’s what I’m having trouble understanding.

If I’m looking at a Chinese web site and switch the encoding (menu bar/view/encoding) to western font the print becomes all garbled. When I switch it back, it looks well.

In my wifes case, she was entering text on a Chinese forum. As she was filling out the forms, the text appeared ok. It was not until she hit the submit button and got the preview screen did she even find out that it was garbled.

She posted it anyway… and as expected… everyone’s post appeared normal. Hers was garbled.

If she could read the text ok, and even fill in the forms ok… how can the text change to something unrecognzable when it gets to the board.
