Will markets plummet when top US leaders indicted?

If you’ve been reading the news lately, you probably noticed the serious possibility that President Bush’s closest political aide, Karl Rove, Vice-President Cheney’s chief of staff, Lewis Libby, and even the Vice-President himself, may be forced to resign momentarily and face criminal charges for their roles in concocting phoney stories to drum up an excuse for invading Iraq and then outing a CIA operative, because they were pissed at her husband for failing to support their lies (or something like that), a whole crazy swirl of madness that has implicated the nation’s top leaders in so much sleaze and deceit that any remaining shreds of credibility that this administration clung to are being flushed down the crapper.

So, how will it play on Wall Street? If they empty the White House and send the liars and crooks off to the Big House, will the markets take a tumble? Is this a time for caution with ones investments?

I figure it would end the economic stagnancy that’s been going on since the White House was first occupied by these crooks, and the bull market will return.

the markets don’t seem to care so far…

Short term waves, and then nothing. Honestly, that’s usually how events like that get thru on the markets.

[quote=“Mr He”]the markets don’t seem to care so far…

Short term waves, and then nothing. Honestly, that’s usually how events like that get through on the markets.[/quote]

Have to agree here. Market doesn’t seem to care. It is earnings season, isn’t it?

Wow. It’s sure easy to spot you people that don’t have Dream TV and are only getting your news from CNN.

I used to work as a financial analyst - and no, politics play a smaller role tha most people would think - even when I had a bloomberg on my desk.

What is Dream TV? I am only getting my news from CNN and it sucks.