Will the rapture happen?

Taoist pilgrimages usually do, at least in Taiwan. Just can’t get people out in number otherwise. I like how they divine the god’s will by casting oracle blocks, but only give the god weekends for a choice. :laughing:[/quote]
The gods are well aware of the modern workweek!

So, did the world end over there in Taiwan-land?

Yes, sorry to say. Do you still have a world, where you are? :cry:

If you know any of the believers, be kind to them please. They will be embarrassed and dismayed. Comfort them. Tell them not to worry, it’s not the end of the world. Tomorrow will be another day.

Maybe play them this:

The world did end, but it was replaced with an exact replica.

It is hard to tell. This place is already so much like Heaven.

we are still safely enwrapped in the all-encompassing cloaca of the Great Turtle.

It’s interesting you say that. The Taiwan media seemed to report this that the world, according to the prediction, would end yesterday. No matter what, I couldn’t convince some people that’s not what it says. After all, TVBS is amazing…right?
Wondering where you are and what was reported.

I’m still here.

It is hard to tell. This place is already so much like Heaven.[/quote]
You live in Yung He district and you talk rubbish like that. I am very disappointed!!!
Where do you get enough alcohol to make Yung He look like heaven?

Going back to the OP, the most reasonable explanation I’ve heard so far is a bloke who stated that we were not in the End of Times yet because the Second Temple has not been built … and then destroyed. Until that happens…

Sincerely, I’ve been reading about the Pope Prophecies. This one is the next to last, then no more popes, no more Vatican, and then no more world. :unamused:

are these propehcies in any way related to all the time devoted in Taiwanese news to programs questioning that dinosaurs and men lived together? they are basing these ideas on some Mayan and Anazazi drawings. :loco:

It is hard to tell. This place is already so much like Heaven.[/quote]
You live in Yonghe district and you talk rubbish like that. I am very disappointed!!!
Where do you get enough alcohol to make Yonghe look like heaven?[/quote]
Although the good doctor may live in Yonghe, I believe his place has a good view of Zhonghe. So there you have it.

It is hard to tell. This place is already so much like Heaven.[/quote]
You live in Yonghe district and you talk rubbish like that. I am very disappointed!!!
Where do you get enough alcohol to make Yonghe look like heaven?[/quote]
Although the good doctor may live in Yonghe, I believe his place has a good view of Zhonghe. So there you have it.[/quote]
That makes a little more sense.

I love the smell of doujiang in the morning!

Side note: I said May 22 in here at times. I meant 21. Still, a good article about this and the aftermath: news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/201 … ggletocope

I’m about to head to bed. I didn’t read any replies yet since my last post. I will tomorrow. Night, all.

Here today gone tomorrow.

‘Rapture’: Believers perplexed after prediction fails
From that article:

[quote]Robert Fitzpatrick, a retired transportation agency worker in New York, said he had spent more than $140,000 (£86,000) of his savings on advertisements in the run-up to 21 May to publicise the prediction.

After 1800 passed and nothing had happened, he said: “I do not understand why… I do not understand why nothing has happened.”

“I can’t tell you what I feel right now. Obviously, I haven’t understood it correctly because we’re still here.”[/quote]
Meanwhile, the chap that called it is missing. I bet he’s topped himself.