Will you still be in Taiwan in 2025?

Let’s face it, most of the guys here will be living the Fat Old Lonely Alcoholic Expat Chasing Bargirls Young Enough To Be His Granddaughter lifestyle that thousands upon thousands living in Southeast Asia.

Retirement village in Florida playing shuffleboard or shuffling around on my walker in Pattaya pubs to play drinking games with prostitutes? Decisions, decisions…

ever read that book by Richard Erlich about letters to and from bar girls in Thailand? it is a classic of that syndrome. I forget the title. on the net. HONEY something…

I looked it up:
Hello, My Big Big Honey: Love Letters to Bangkok Bar Girls & Their Revealing Interviews
By Dave Walker, Richard S. Ehrlich
Paperback / February 2000 / 0867194731


Sure as hell hope not.

Living back in God’s country… OREGON with my student loans just FINALLY being paid off, 30 years after graduation from Law School YIKES :frowning:

You mean like the “Sex Machine” that hangs out at Roxy? I have no proof (or desire to prove) this title, but the guy with his ubercool, supersleek ways :unamused: came over and let me know that that was what he was better known as and earned himself the coveted number two spot on my list of the stupidest pick-up lines I have ever heard (number one being some kid who was probably only in high school asking how old I was and then saying, “Damn, baby, I thought you were older.”).

In 2025, I expect to be a linguistics professor at l’Universite de Rabelais (in Tours, France) living with my husband who is a master of both French and Indian cuisine nagging my three kids on when they plan on giving some grandkids to spoil and preparing to retire and revisit the 23 or so countries that I visited in my youth around the turn of the 21st century. I figure, if I can leave Taiwan within the next two years, I’ll be able to just cut it just in time to meet my goals.

I will be living in my favorite American town, Santa Monica CA, in the modest but comfortable villa I bought with the money I won in Taiwan’s lotto :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’ll be spending the mornings on the beach, preferably cycling or walking along that path they have between Santa Monica and Venice.
Being of retirement age by then, I’ll just spend the afternoons reading and writing - my memoirs of Taiwan or screenplays that will end up in the recycling bin - taking naps, shopping.
And the evenings - well, Santa Monica has everything from English pubs to hiphop clubs.
And if I miss Taiwan too much … there are still those LA traffic jams, earthquakes, pollution.

I think in the year 2025, I will be in the restroom, taking a dump.

hmm…good question…we’ll see