Winter Mosquitos?

There are other points of entry besides the windows. Mosquitoes are in the building’s pipe shaft, so they can get into your apartment through the bathroom exhaust fan and the kitchen range hood.

These incentives tend to not work.
They tried that back in the old country, but with rats. People started to raise rats, so they could kill and get money for it.
Needless to say, the results went in the opposite direction that expected…

The cobra effect!


Send some of those swallows our way. We’ve had mosquitoes without fail all autumn/winter. Worse than summer. Big ones. Small deadly black ones. Really annoying.

I just killed another mosquito in my house. That’s more than I had all summer long.

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Another solution is a mosquito net.
I used to be under it reading a book at night and the buggers would sit on the outside of the net looking at me

That is my beef: why more mosquitoes now than in summer?

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perhaps the cold air compelled them to seek the warmth? I read somewhere that you will see more bugs inside in Taiwan during the winter, especially when a cold front comes because they’re all hoping to take shelter from the cold.

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This is pretty much the same everywhere, the little critters want the home comforts too, plus outside most people have 48 layers of clothes, so the little blighters follow their dinner home and wait for it to unwrap :wink:

All us westerners in our shorts and T-shirts, we are just fast food for them. I’m sure I see circulating around me waiting to take their turn, like I’m some sort of McWestern Fly Through :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Weird. I leave the patio door open 24/7 for the cat to go in and out and I rarely see mosquitoes in the apartment.

Mosquitoes here rarely bite me anyways. I must be too sour.

Maybe you’re Marty McFly and you’re actually from 1985…

I’m from way before then

I wish cats can catch mosquitoes… I mean he does cockroach but to me cockroach is mostly harmless (other than creepy) but mosquitoes transmit diseases.

Same with huntsman spider… mostly harmless (I hope) but creepy as “I want to break out the flamethrower”.

The mosquitoes in my apartment must be on day light savings time then…tends to be around 4:30 ish for me.

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A huntsman spider can only be caught by another, even faster huntsman spider. They are just too damn fast.

Or spiderman…

Baby mozzies swim, only the adults fly.

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Anyone tried this sort of tent/net thing?

It’s hard to find real reviews these days, a lot of the Amazon ones are paid 5 star jobbies.

This site purports to use algorithms that strip out fake reviews, might be helpful.

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I’ve had way more mosquitos since it got cooler. I had almost none in the summer, now I see 1-2 a week. I’m starting to wonder if they’re spawning in some secret puddle in my house again. Ugh.

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