Wisdom teeth/General Anesthetic

I know about 3 people that have had their wisdom teeth out here, and all of them have had a bad experience. Of course, all of them have been in rural areas, so maybe that has some thing to do with it. Personally, I had mine taken out at an oral surgeon in the states under general anesthesia. The downside is that it cost $500 USD even with insurance. Still, this is the only situation where I would accept general anesthesia. When you are at a dentist, they probably don’t have as much experience with anesthetics, which can be dangerous. So i guess the question is, does Taiwan even have oral surgeons?

I got two of mine pulled out about a year ago. For the X-Rays, General Anesthetic and the surgery it cost me $NT 1,300 with IC Card. I was in pain for about three to five days and I had some swelling. But it really was not as bad as what some people say it is.

About three months ago I went to the dentist for a new filling. Which cost me $NT 300. The Dentist wanted to put a crown in, which he quoted $NT 4,000 (the Health Insurance does not pay for it).

Another thing, is that I have a HUGE fear for dentists and I would highly recommend going under (it is less stressful and nerve racking). I don’t know if I have just been very unlucky in Taiwan, because all the dentist that I have been to, have not given me enough local anesthetic and each time I have gone, I have always had severe pain while operating.

Also put your foot down if you are wanting to use general anesthetic here in Taiwan, because they don’t seem to like using it.

Has anyone actually been “put under” for wisdom tooth removal? I am considering it after a bad experience with one taken out but would like to know a ballpark figure of the damage it will create on wallet.

Yes. I had all four out at age 45. No pain, no issues, uneventful recovery.

Yes. I had all of mine taken out by an oral surgeon at a hospital in Xinyi. I’d have to look up the name cause it’s been a few years. The surgery itself was quite cheap…I think $1,200 to $1,500 NTD. The real expense comes from the room, if you want a private or double. A three person room is free, a double is around 3K a night I think, and a single is around 5k. I opted for the private room cause I didn’t want to deal with people staring at me or trying to talk to me while my mouth was all messed up. What made mine more expensive was that the surgeon made me come in the night before my surgery for some reason, so I had to pay for 2 nights instead of one. I think him and his team were just a bit nervous because they said I was the first foreigner they had ever worked on. I assume they wanted to make sure everything went ok.

Thanks Tiare. Im gonna check a hospital in my neighborhood to see what it will take.

Yes, I had it done at the local university hospital here in Taichung. An overnight stay, surgery under general anesthesia, and painkillers was under 3000 NT. I had a good experience with them.