World Order in Taiwan

You know you love it, Brian. Trump is the villain you love to hate.

Itā€™s boring as fuck.

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Mods letā€™s take the discussion elsewhere.

If we need to talk about rising costs beyond citizen reach, rampant drug abuse and other economical anchors dragging diwn society,we need more space. And I need more battery.

Then what are you doing here? If it were boring, youā€™d be off doing something more interesting.

It would be nice to acknowledge the concerns of the cannon fodder. As I said before, we in Central America told ourselves it was OK to be proxy wars for the Cold War, as long as nuclear inferno was averted. But this is the real deal.

Please note that I was trying my best to keep it on the World Order topic. :sunglasses:

In any case, I do plan on watching some of their other, non-Trump related videos. I do like their dance moves.

He is right in terms that these discussions take over and go over to a plane not relevant to Taiwan.

In the case of Taiwan, we identify with the video, as we recognize the danger behind the rethoric. And we understand we will be left behind.

Cannon fodder? Are you talking about Japan or Central America? What is ā€œthe real dealā€?

I get the feeling that Iā€™ve walked into a room where everybody was just talking about something related to me, but I have no idea what was said.


Nah I check the thread then itā€™s the same old shite.
Pretty sure everybody else feels the same except for the five usual suspects.


You know well what cannon fodder means. And who are the biggest arms sellers. Business is business.

Why did World Order put the anti-Trump theme in their song if not to provoke discussion? Blame them. Or @afterspivak, who chose this specific video to show me out of all of World Orderā€™s videos.

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Again, I think you are making assumptions that may not be warranted. If I understand - IF - then you seem to be saying that WWIII will start with Japanā€™s annihilation. Right?

Now you seem to be saying that the US will make Japan cannon fodder because the US sells weapons worldwide. This makes no sense to me.

Can you maybe expand on your opinions about this?

Maybe itā€™s a pro-Trump message drawing attention to the outrageous messages put out by mainstream media.

Or maybe itā€™s just a another music video, not a belief of an entire country.

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I have stated my opinions before. And you know how we women feel when guys do not listen to us.

It is just a video. It is just a perception. And in the world there are many points of view. The future has not happened so letā€™s wait and see. Sometimes we are the bear but sometimes the bear gets us. And reality is much stranger and ten times worse than fiction.

Well, you did say that it wouldnā€™t matter if World Order were internationalists (which they areā€”and which the video I linked vividly shows).

If the Trump fans here donā€™t like it, you can take solace in the fact that World Order is equally critical of Japanā€™s government and their own seeming inability to get out of their own way. Hereā€™s one take on this, with World Order visiting Korea:

Peace to all,

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Ok, but itā€™s still not clear.

My take aways I guess are these.

Central America is fucked over because American arms deals.
Central America is fucked over because America used it as cannon fodder.
Business is business.
America is using (all of?) non-Chinese Asia as cannon fodder.
Japan will be annihilated first in the event of WWIII.
Somebody keeps asking why (the one I understand the least - but itā€™s a low bar)

I hope that about sums it all up.

Yeah, I wasnā€™t complaining, just giving my opinion. I will check out their other videos when I have time.

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Cool, reminds me ofā€¦

No trump bait, though. Just funky moves.

Nope. Not at all. Central Americaā€™s wars in the 80s is the past. Sorry for referencing something you may not know about. Japan and Taiwan going down is the future. Business is business means thatā€™s the way the cookie crumbles.

Enjoy the cool dancing. I enjoy the handsome Japanese guys.