🌍 🌏 World | Which Country Would You Most Like To Visit, And Why?

SA would probably be your best bet for all that. Plus you could go on the Wine Route and sample some of the finest wines in the world before or after you go see those lions.

Somehow this showed up in my yt feed.

If my t-shirt with a screenprinted collar and tie doesn’t pass muster, I’d happily dig out and wear a tie for this. Bucket list!

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I really want to go on the Orient Express. I’ve always liked trains. It’s nice to look out side and enjoy the ride.

London to Paris.

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China, believe it or not. I went there last in 2016. I’d like to go on one last extended tour somewhere, possibly within one province. Have you tried getting a China
tourist visa lately? The application form is a nightmare, and if you want to get multiple entry you have to apply in your home country. Second choice, USA. I went there in 2014 to visit friends and would like to return for a longer linear trip. Immigration in the US is very unpleasant, but the further you get away from an airport the more you feel you’ve arrived so to speak. I’d also like to tour South Korea one of these days, maybe go hiking there. Of course, I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you, but nice to share our thoughts on this.

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Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg)
America (New York)

I guess that’s it.

What? London to Paris is not Orient Express.

It’s an option to go this route.

The Grand Suite would be an amazing experience.

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I want to go places for 1. Girls 2. Cheap procedures 3. Both

That means Costa Rica for dental implant and Turkey for hair.

  1. Back to Czech Republic and Poland because I loved the women there.
  2. Portugal and Greece (maybe do Greece and Turkey in one trip).
  3. Iceland
  4. Colombia, Uruguay, and Mexico.
  5. Finland and Estonia.
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Yeah. Czech and polish girls are hot.

I want to visit Cuba.

I want to travel to more countries in Africa and South America.


I’d actually really like to go to ChengDu / ChongQing at some point in my life just for the food, though that’s looking less and less likely (wife refuses to go for good reason).

I still have a valid 10 year multi-entry tourist visa to China (visited Shanghai back in 2016), though I thought that foreigners were still barred from entry due to the Wuhan virus situation (even including those with residence visas)?

I have visited lots of countries in my years. My national country is Britain lived there for 40 years of my 57 and only seen and visited maybe 1 third!
I’m determined to see all of Taiwan before I go and then decide to do Britain complete.

I want to get to Southern Europe, and knock out Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Turkey. I’d also like to see the Nordic countries like Iceland, Finland, Norway, etc.

My parents say I’m the reverse of all my friends/peers. They’ve been to Europe multiple times, and most have never set foot in Asia, or if they have they’ve just been to Japan or Thailand once or something. Me, I’ve only been to Europe once (and just the generic Western part like UK and France), but I have seen much of Asia at this point having worked in Korea and Taiwan on and off for over 12 years.

I want to see Central Europe. Budapest looks cool. Poland, Romania, Czech Republic also look nice.

I’d like to see it too (I have been to Prague in Czech Republic though, so I guess I did dip in there). I just rank S Europe higher on my bucket list. I’ve heard Budapest is really nice though.

I loved this quote when I was younger.

An ardent desire to go took possession of me once more. Not because I wanted to leave - I was quite all right on this Cretan coast, and felt happy and free there and I needed nothing - but because I have always been consumed with one desire; to touch and see as much as possible of the earth and the sea before I die.

Nikos Kazantzakis ~ Zorba the Greek

Unfortunately I made the same mistake as all young, adventurous travellers and got old and lazy and settled down. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

City or Upstate? There’s a difference. And the Catskills aren’t Upstate to people who actually live Upstate. :wink:

If it’s the city I’d advise wearing a black eyepatch. Might seem counterintuitive, but it worked for Kurt Russell.

If it’s the city these days, bring a gun.

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I went to Chengdu and Chongqing in 1989! Chengdu was unmemorable. Chongqing as I recall was a soot-encrusted backwater with steep up and down roads. Food? Nice buns and fiery chilli sauce on every table. China has changed beyond all recognition in thirty years and now people eat things like fried chicken and frozen yogurt. I believe you will still find the authentic food between the cracks and down alleyways. Wish I had a ten-year visa! As far as I know the border is still closed. If you get a chance, go by ferry from Keelung to Fujian. Goodness knows when the service will resume though.

I’d like to visit America…you know…without dying.

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