Would you go to Taiwan RIGHT now?

FWIW if the OP has the opportunity to delay a year, it could be a good idea. They’re coming to study Chinese (I think? That’s what HES is for, right?) - and there’s definitely a significant chance that schools will go back to distance learning this school year. And if you’re here to learn Chinese and interact with people in Chinese, being stuck in a room on your own for months isn’t exactly a good way to do so.

It also depends on what kind of social life the OP enjoys. I think it’s very unlikely nightlife here will be back to normal anytime soon - and if that’s what they’re looking to do, it’s another good reason to delay a year.

If you’re already here, Taiwan’s fine. Not great, but fine. Arriving anytime soon? Tricky, and a very high chance you’re going to start a tedious few months of boredom and loneliness.