Writing a book, would you write about you life?

[quote=“Namahottie”]Hmm good topic.

I would write about my dark night of the soul and the lessons learned.
About the stories in the Bible and how they apply to everyday meaning
A modern tale about the book of Job
about my opinions about journeys to find sour cream and butter for my 7-11 bread.[/quote]

Dang girl how many horses gave up their hair for that weave/ extension shit. I think journeys to the 7-11 would make great stories.

I will drop a little excerpt from the book I am working on.

He couldn’t trust anyone. Even close friends that had never done him wrong. He was damaged goods, bits, and pieces left for the vultures of this world. He was so sick of being lied to, disgraced, and humiliated. His life was a joke to others, his reactions just fodder for the masses. What did it matter what he thought, felt, or was thinking. It didn’t matter; that was his lot in life. A born loser, an outcast born to be something and he became nothing. That was his plot. Happiness would never touch him, compassion ran far away. He was cursed, cursed by the mother that gave birth to him.

I am sticking with the 500 words a day, I have written a lot of crock this would be another example…

Of course, he had never expected her to take him over emotionally. His emotional solitude began to wane and his heart was taking over his mind, no matter how much he fought; he could not help it. The ice wall was melting and his biggest fear was coming true. He was falling in love again, and he hated himself for it.

There was no cure for this, no stopping it, the downward fall, that would inevitably lead to pain, sorrow, and self loathing again. His mind hadn’t changed, but his heart was beginning to beat again. He was living and he wanted to curse his God for it.

He was happy with his life, his solitude, his misery, and now what? What would happen, more unhappiness? Self doubt crept over him.

He would not utter the words to this girl; this interruption to his chosen life. Bobby had never taken a vow but, he had unconsciously vowed to himself to never fall for a woman again.

The dreaded words he had promised himself so long ago to never utter again. I love you. So simple, yet so complex. A fine wine that starts out sweet and finishes off bitter, yet everyone still seems to remember it as the best wine they ever tasted.


Dang girl how many horses gave up their hair for that weave/ extension shit. [/quote]

No longer using horses, but there are humans who are getting paid for their hair. Also, S Korea is a major producer of snythetic hair.