WTF is going on here on this airline flight . OBviously a chinese airline but which one. Anyone know from the stewardess’s uniforms? anyone can figure out whats happening? what a flight to be on huh?
luckily taiwanese passengers are much more manageable
The guy with the camera is Argentinian. He also keeps asking what is going on. Something about the Asian guy in the black shirt but it doesn’t really look to be any real trouble. Maybe he’s complaining about something. The woman is pink in front of him is laughing a lot so I don’t think there is anything terrible going on.
I thought you lived in Asia… Laughing is a Chinese way to deal with uncomfortable emotions. Fear, Embarrassment, Anger, ect. are all expressed with laughter.
Chinese airlines are all much of a muchness. I guess they have been sitting on the plane at Pudong airport for an hour while the airline/Chinese government blames ATC in HK or George Bush or Father Christmas for the delay.