Xbox live points

I bought my Xbox 360 some time ago, and registered it on the Austrialia network for Xbox live, since there was no English one available in Taiwan. As it turned out, I can only use Xbox live points from Auz, the ones I buy in Taiwan will not register the code. Does anybody else have this problem? Where can i get points from Auz? Or, how can i de-register the system and get it on the Taiwan network? Thanks for all the help!

Make a new live account for the country of your choosing.

thanks, but some questions… should i delete my existing account and gamertag, or can i migrate it to a new account?

you can keep it and use any content you bought with it on your current machine. However you will need to make a new gamertag to switch countries.

I have 3 Gamertags on my console(US, JP, and a UK from my friend)

got it… thanks for the help!