
It’s less that three years away. I doubt that Taiwan will be ready for it. I’m starting to collect the things I will need: can goods, firewood, matches. When the planes start falling out of the sky, the trains crash and the lights go out, I’ll be hunkered down to wait it out. It will be a primitive existence for a while. Anybody with any sense will start preparing too.

Word to the wise.

I’m building a fortified compound up in them thar hills.
With roving squads of killer attack bears!

The aliens hiding out under the wreckage of WT7 have told me they’ll take good care of me, as long as I continue to deny their existence. DOH! :homer:
Will there be room in you bunker for an extra bed, Doc? I’ll play my saxophone to you every day and that’s a promise!

Ha ha. It’s all a big joke?
Until that day, I’m going to party like it’s 99.

Old Jack and I have already built a Kennedy Compound on the sound stage where they staged the moon landing.

So when can we visit?