Year 2020 Income tax filing

Thanks for the info.

Is it only for Taipei and New Taipei or the entire country?

It seems to be nation wide—though I have no idea how individual tax offices will handle the advance booking part.


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Thanks, will call them tomorrow to find out,

If you can, let us know how it goes!


Sure, I will.

I spoke to the Tax Office in Daxi and from Tuesday 15th of June they accept people again. They said that I do not have to make an appointment for specific time, I need to be there between 8am and 12pm.


Thanks for the update!

Anyone figure out how this works in Taipei City or in Xinbei?


Just a reminder for anyone who has been procrastinating on this, as I have, the extension is only until the end of the month! Got mine in online today, not sure if the process is less painful than before or I’ve just become immune to the hoops but it was quite painless this year. Now must go and reset my calendar and region and …