Yet another school shooting in the US

I am so outraged by this kind of news and it almost becomes “normal” to hear it comes from the US. It’s like “Oh, but of course it’s in America”.
In every earlier shooting every students were connected to some kind of psychiatric drugs (ritalin, prozac etc…) this of course has rarely made the headlines but nonetheless is a fact.
So, here’s my question: Why is it that knowing the effect of these drugs kids are still being fed Ritalin, Prozac etc…?
Haven’t we had enough warnings with previous school shootings?
Or maybe the AMA and APA are just in for big cash prize but in the meantime it is our children who pay the price.

[quote]So, here’s my question: Why is it that knowing the effect of these drugs kids are still being fed Ritalin, Prozac etc…?
Haven’t we had enough warnings with previous school shootings? [/quote]
The question to me hinges on the percentages of kids on these drugs. I mean, if 500,000 kids are on it, then it wouldn’t seem to be a viable contributory factor. But I don’t know the percentages.

And surely the luxury of being able to dose your kids up rather than having to expend valuable time and effort actually providing parenting has to outweigh the occasional hiccup in the system?

Answer: Lazy parents who put their kids on drugs rather than try and deal with normal childhood problems.

Answer: Normal childhood behaviour such as short attention spans (lack of self control is the definition of childhood) is nowadays defined as dangerously abnormal and thus the solution to put kids in therapy or on drugs for the crime of being kids. Childhood and adolescence are being criminizalized.

Answer: Society insists on quick easy fixes for problems. Take a few pills, that’ll sort you out.

Somehow for thousands of years kids survived childhood without having to take Ritalin and Prozac, but somehow the pharmaceutical industry has conned parents into thinking there is some sort of “need” to chemically unbalance “problem” kids these days.

It sounds a bad message to children to say that if your emotions are bothering you, to pop a pill and that will cheer you up. Part of the normal process of growing up and becoming a human being is dealing with dark and unpleasant and uncomfortable emotional states and working through them naturally. It is how you progress as a human being. How can you mature as a person if every time you feel bad you reach for the medicine shelf?

This is not to stigmatize or ignore people with genuine mental problems that genuinely do need to take medication to restore a normal emotional/mental balance. But the vast majority of people on Prozac and Ritalin - that is not the case. Most are just normal people with normal emotional problems that can be worked through normally, but they want to go for a cheap, easy fix.

[quote=“sandman”][quote]So, here’s my question: Why is it that knowing the effect of these drugs kids are still being fed Ritalin, Prozac etc…?
Haven’t we had enough warnings with previous school shootings? [/quote]
The question to me hinges on the percentages of kids on these drugs. I mean, if 500,000 kids are on it, then it wouldn’t seem to be a viable contributory factor. But I don’t know the percentages.[/quote]

I think it’s around 1.5 million kids on these drugs but that’s not the point. Even if 500,000 were on them, the fact that all these shootings are anti depressant relataded would be enough to stop drugging these kids don’t you think?

Yep, it’s really the “easy solution” for parents who quite can’t deal with some normal children behavior.

[quote]Answer: Lazy parents who put their kids on drugs rather than try and deal with normal childhood problems.

Answer: Normal childhood behaviour such as short attention spans (lack of self control is the definition of childhood) is nowadays defined as dangerously abnormal and thus the solution to put kids in therapy or on drugs for the crime of being kids. Childhood and adolescence are being criminizalized.

Answer: Society insists on quick easy fixes for problems. Take a few pills, that’ll sort you out.

Somehow for thousands of years kids survived childhood without having to take Ritalin and Prozac, but somehow the pharmaceutical industry has conned parents into thinking there is some sort of “need” to chemically unbalance “problem” kids these days.

It sounds a bad message to children to say that if your emotions are bothering you, to pop a pill and that will cheer you up. Part of the normal process of growing up and becoming a human being is dealing with dark and unpleasant and uncomfortable emotional states and working through them naturally. It is how you progress as a human being. How can you mature as a person if every time you feel bad you reach for the medicine shelf?

This is not to stigmatize or ignore people with genuine mental problems that genuinely do need to take medication to restore a normal emotional/mental balance. But the vast majority of people on Prozac and Ritalin - that is not the case. Most are just normal people with normal emotional problems that can be worked through normally, but they want to go for a cheap, easy fix.[/quote]

I couldn’t have said it better!

And lets not forget the guns. Won’t anybody remember the guns?

But thats :flog: Americans will never relinquish that “right”.

Interesting parallel to the ritalin angle. Not only is it further cause for ridicule from the bully set, but it causes blinding headaches. Forget sunny days. When every other kid is enjoying the best Mother Nature has to offer, Mother Handler has dosed Rotten Johnny up with a mitful of ritalin. The sun is blinding and compounds an already mounting tension in the addled, hormone infested teenage mind(field).

I mainlined the shit for 5 years. Would have been way easier and way more effective to give me pot-laced cookies. I woulda been the chillest dude in the schoolyard. Yeah, even chiller than the rocketslide gang.

Erm, can u provide a link to the shooting.

I’m really not sure exactly what I think on this issue yet, apart from the drugging-as-a-substitute-for proper-parenting part, which I deplore.
However, I’m thinking that if 1.5 million kids are zombified on mind-control drugs and, say, 10 of them go on shooting rampages, what about the other 1.499 or whatever million that don’t? That was my point, I think – I mean, people drive drunk and kill far more people than drugged-up schoolkids, but no-one advocates prohibiting drinking altogether, do they?
It’s a tricky question and one for which I sure don’t have any answers apart from getting parents to re-assume responsibility for raising their damn kids.

True, but we know you shouldn’t drink before driving, it’s advertised NOT TO.
Ritalin is pushed on kids as something good for them in an effort to make them come down or more obedient, less self determined and what not.
As for the rest of the kids who are not shooting others…well they either kill themselves or become puppets of this addictive drug.
Not a pretty picture!

Our president has taught us that we can solve all our problems with swift and blinding violence. Shock and awe.

But are they anti-depressant related? I don’t like parents and doctors putting their kids on these drugs, but it seems that you may be confusing cause with correlation. It may very well be that these kids have genuine problems (though not necessarily ones that require medication) and that this behaviour is a result of those problems (or the ignoring of them). The drugs may just be a coincidence rather than a direct cause.

I think I was witness to perhaps one of the first ever school shootings. One of my classmates, when I was in about form 4, brought a rifle to school and set himself up in a tree outside and started taking pot shots at the teachers and students.

He was not such a bad kid. He was clearly pretty screwed up, but we used to take the same school bus and got along pretty well. He didn’t suffer from any obvious mental illness. He just got pissed off at one of his teachers and started blazing away. Nobody made too big of a deal about it either. I’m positive it had nothing to do with being on any kind of drugs though.

But are they anti-depressant related? I don’t like parents and doctors putting their kids on these drugs, but it seems that you may be confusing cause with correlation. It may very well be that these kids have genuine problems (though not necessarily ones that require medication) and that this behaviour is a result of those problems (or the ignoring of them). The drugs may just be a coincidence rather than a direct cause.[/quote]
JT, these drugs have troubling side effects and it would be a coincidence if it happened 1 out of 5, but 5 out of 5 isn’t a coincidence anymore, wouldn’t you agree?

1st paragraph:

read on here:

We’re totally on the same page here, Igorveni, but I think your figures are screwed up – [quote]it would be a coincidence if it happened 1 out of 5, but 5 out of 5 isn’t a coincidence anymore, wouldn’t you agree? [/quote]
I would agree of course, but it clearly isn’t the case. Of the millions of people in the US who are on SSRIs, there still seems to be only a tiny percentage who twist off altogether.
And of course the pharma companies do their best to bury unpleasant stats, just like big tobacco, and all the other big businesses that produce potentially dangerous products. What do you expect? – that’s why they get investigated.

The violence that permeates American society is indeed horrific. This rampage was on The Red Lake Indian reservation which is an economically depressed area of Northern Minnesota. This American school tragedy did not happen in the suburbs but in an isolated and remote area amidst the Northern woods of Minnesota near the Canadian border.

Apparently after a year or two people still haven’t learned from history. Drugs may or may not be a factor, but even the most hyped up kids won’t think of going guns blazin into a school without an outside factor. That being the school environment itself. If the school was a happy place, you think you’d have the kids thinking about going to town with daddy’s shotgun? Just a thought there…

In addition, the boy’s father had (recently) committed suicide, his mother was in a mental hospital, brain damaged from a car accident, he was homebound because of a school incident, and he was seen as “constantly teased” (harassed) by other students. Regardless of location, this was a tragedy where a child was “thrown to the side” and probably had a lot of anger adn lonliness built up. I think these set of circumstances contributed to the scene, and that we can not generalize it as “another shooting in America” as if violence does not occur in other nations. We were having a discussion on parents beating their children in Taiwan, with no reprecussions. I know this happens in other areas of the world, which is why I would never refer to Taiwan as “that place where parents legally beat their kids to death”.

School is not a happy place anywhere in the world, but outside the US most daddies don’t have a shotgun. Just a thought there…

School is not a happy place anywhere in the world, but outside the US most daddies don’t have a shotgun. Just a thought there…[/quote]
You don’t always need a shotgun, though it makes things easier. Some household chemicals can make a really nice bomb or just a deadly gas. It’s handy to just blame things on the gun, but it still needs a finger to pull the trigger. If we’d pay as much attention to schools as we do on sports, we might need not worry so much about such things as this.

Please note, I personally am for gun control. I mean really, why does a person need an AK-47… for hunting?? I was brought up on a single bolt action rifle. If you can’t hit it with the something like that, ya dont belong out there in the first place. So let’s not all assume I’m an NRA nut thanks.

Sadly ironic, while I was up reading some stuff, I flipped on the TV. Lo and behold a movie came on titled, “Bang, Bang You’re Dead” Since I’ve never heard of this movie I went to one of the movie sites and you guessed it. It’s about a kid in high school and school shootings. What’s even more compelling than the movie itself, is what are supposedly some high school kids wrote about it. I say supposedly cuz there’s no proof these were actual high school kids. Please note the dates of the posts.

What, apparently, some high school students said about the movie

P.S. No I’m not Sarah. :loco: